More than 56 thousand people began to receive the first payment of the so-called March Bonus in Ñuble, representing almost 3.5 billion pesos to support the economy of lower-income families.

In the next two lists of beneficiaries this amount will significantly increase, exceeding 7,000 million in the region, as reported by the ministers of Social Development and Family, Marta Carvajal, and of Labor and Social Welfare, Eduardo Riquelme.

The Mideso seremi explained that a first group of people receives their contribution starting February 15, with the publication of the first list of beneficiaries. Then, two other payrolls follow that will be paid on March 1 and 15.

The Seremi of Labor indicated that the benefit amounts to the sum of $61,793 per dependent or family. The authority specified that the contribution will benefit people with Family Allowance, Family Allowance or Maternal Allowance and the amount must be multiplied by each child or person for whom said subsidies are collected. Families belonging to ChileSolidario or the Security and Opportunities Subsystem (Family Ethical Income) are also beneficiaries.