6 lifestyle habits that can prevent it according to a 10-year study

The cognitive decline is natural with age. From the age of 45, your ability to reason, to concentrate your memory may therefore decline. It is an alteration of one or more brain functions.

As cognitive decline occurs, the dementia risk increased. The best known form is the Alzheimer’s disease.

It has already been shown that a healthy lifestyle is essential for cognitive decline to occur as late as possible and to prevent your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. It is recommended engage in physical activity regular, to adopt a diet rich in fruits and vegetableshaving good sleep and social life.

A news study goes further and suggests that it would be the combination of several healthy lifestyle habits that would be related to the prevention of memory decline. Published on January 25, 2023 in the BMJit was conducted for 10 years by the National Center for Neurological Disorders in Beijing, China.

“A healthy lifestyle can help support memory”

The researchers conducted their study on 29,000 adults aged over 60. They all presented normal cognitive function. At the start of the study, their memory was measured using tests and people were checked for the APOE gene, which is the strongest risk factor gene for Alzheimer’s disease. The subjects were followed during 10 years with periodic reviews.

To realize of lifestyle of the participants, the scientists looked at their diet, their level of physical activity, their social life, their consumption of tobacco and alcohol.

“This is a well-conducted study, which followed people over a long period of time, and adds to the substantial evidence thata healthy lifestyle can help support memory and thinking as we age, shares Dr Susan Mitchell of Alzheimer’s Research UK. Too few of us know that there are steps we can all take to reduce our risk of dementia later in life.”

The Medisite editorial team reviews the 6 healthy behaviors to adopt to protect you from cognitive decline for as long as possible.

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