7 types of rest to avoid fatigue and increase happiness

nervesNicole Avena, Taking short breaks during a hard day’s work gives our brains the rest they need to keep going. the work optimally.

Avena adds that the first step to effective rest is to understand the difference between rest and sleep, as sleep is not considered sufficient to avoid fatigue.

How can we have real relief?

There is no one way to rest, and it is not possible to determine how much rest we need, because it depends on the nature of each individual, according to what researcher in life and work integration Dr. Sondra Dalton Smith, who divided rest into seven types, can have real positive effects. on the human being, which are as follows:

physical comfort

Rest can be passive or active, where passive physical rest includes sleep and naps, while active rest means all relaxing sports activities, such as yoga, stretching and massage therapy, which improve blood circulation, increase flexibility in the body, and calm the mind.

mental rest

Experiencing irritability and difficulty concentrating during working hours, and the continuation of mental activity when lying down to sleep, with a feeling of fatigue upon waking in the morning, indicates a lack of mental rest, so it is important to modify the daily routine through:

  • Include 20-minute breaks during work hours.
  • Doing an easy cleanup, like tidying up your desk or files in your computer, is a great alternative to hard mental work.
  • Keep a notebook by the bed to jot down any disturbing thoughts that cause insomnia.

sensory comfort

Our senses are overwhelmed by bright lights, computer screens, noise, and multiple live chats or video calls. To counter this, it is recommended:

  • Close the eyes for a minute in the middle of the day, and you can rub the palms to become warm and then place them on the eyes.
  • Stop distracting notifications, as well as stay away from electronic devices at the end of each day, to undo the damage they do to us especially before bed.
  • Avoid driving or moving around in traffic, which puts our senses on high alert.

creative comfort

Getting creative allows the brain to reboot, and get its creativity back on, by:

  • Enjoying the beauty of the outdoors, even if it’s just walking around the building we work in, in a garden, or just watching the birds in flight.
  • Enjoy diverse arts such as painting and music.
  • Transform your workspace into a place of inspiration, by displaying photos of our favorite places and artwork.

emotional comfort

Emotional comfort may mean undoing some of the situations that make us overly emotional in our relationships, especially when we feel underappreciated by others, which requires:

  • Save time and space to express feelings freely, and reduce people’s liking at the expense of our own comfort.
  • Reveal and vent some negative feelings with a friend or family member.
  • Practicing therapeutic writing in the diary, or attending remedial sessions.

social comfort

We lose social comfort when we fail to differentiate between relationships that provide us with psychological and emotional support, and those that exhaust us and drain our energy. To experience more social comfort, you should:

  • Surrounding ourselves with positive and supportive people in the real world, and in the virtual world, and only engaging in productive and enjoyable conversations.
  • Spend quality time with a close friend or family member with whom we feel completely comfortable.
  • Decline an event or activity that we don’t really want to attend.

spiritual comfort

Spiritual comfort is the ability to connect beyond body and mind, feeling a deep sense of belonging, love, acceptance, and contentment. This happens when:

  • Connect deeply with our pure soul, away from mental noise, through prayer or meditation.
  • Silence and solitude with oneself can help restore focus to our mission in life.
  • Carrying out a charitable or voluntary activity that increases the feeling of spiritual comfort.


Scientist says nervesNicole Avena, Taking short breaks during a hard day’s work gives our brains the rest they need to keep going. the work optimally.

Avena adds that the first step to effective rest is to understand the difference between rest and sleep, as sleep is not considered sufficient to avoid fatigue.

How can we have real relief?

There is no one way to rest, and it is not possible to determine how much rest we need, because it depends on the nature of each individual, according to what researcher in life and work integration Dr. Sondra Dalton Smith, who divided rest into seven types, can have real positive effects. on the human being, which are as follows:

physical comfort

Rest can be passive or active, where passive physical rest includes sleep and naps, while active rest means all relaxing sports activities, such as yoga, stretching and massage therapy, which improve blood circulation, increase flexibility in the body, and calm the mind.

mental rest

Experiencing irritability and difficulty concentrating during working hours, and the continuation of mental activity when lying down to sleep, with a feeling of fatigue upon waking in the morning, indicates a lack of mental rest, so it is important to modify the daily routine through:

  • Include 20-minute breaks during work hours.
  • Doing an easy cleanup, like tidying up your desk or files in your computer, is a great alternative to hard mental work.
  • Keep a notebook by the bed to jot down any disturbing thoughts that cause insomnia.

sensory comfort

Our senses are overwhelmed by bright lights, computer screens, noise, and multiple live chats or video calls. To counter this, it is recommended:

  • Close the eyes for a minute in the middle of the day, and you can rub the palms to become warm and then place them on the eyes.
  • Stop distracting notifications, as well as stay away from electronic devices at the end of each day, to undo the damage they do to us especially before bed.
  • Avoid driving or moving around in traffic, which puts our senses on high alert.

creative comfort

Getting creative allows the brain to reboot, and get its creativity back on, by:

  • Enjoying the beauty of the outdoors, even if it’s just walking around the building we work in, in a garden, or just watching the birds in flight.
  • Enjoy diverse arts such as painting and music.
  • Transform your workspace into a place of inspiration, by displaying photos of our favorite places and artwork.

emotional comfort

Emotional comfort may mean undoing some of the situations that make us overly emotional in our relationships, especially when we feel underappreciated by others, which requires:

  • Save time and space to express feelings freely, and reduce people’s liking at the expense of our own comfort.
  • Reveal and vent some negative feelings with a friend or family member.
  • Practicing therapeutic writing in the diary, or attending remedial sessions.

social comfort

We lose social comfort when we fail to differentiate between relationships that provide us with psychological and emotional support, and those that exhaust us and drain our energy. To experience more social comfort, you should:

  • Surrounding ourselves with positive and supportive people in the real world, and in the virtual world, and only engaging in productive and enjoyable conversations.
  • Spend quality time with a close friend or family member with whom we feel completely comfortable.
  • Decline an event or activity that we don’t really want to attend.

spiritual comfort

Spiritual comfort is the ability to connect beyond body and mind, feeling a deep sense of belonging, love, acceptance, and contentment. This happens when:

  • Connect deeply with our pure soul, away from mental noise, through prayer or meditation.
  • Silence and solitude with oneself can help restore focus to our mission in life.
  • Carrying out a charitable or voluntary activity that increases the feeling of spiritual comfort.

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