7 ways to make delicious and simple braised duck with crocodile | Life – Entertainment

2023-06-30 18:58:00

In a family meal or a large gathering, braised duck with crocodile is always the number one choice. Especially in the summer, when the weather is hot, the sour taste of crocodile will make the dish more delicious. Refer to how to make delicious and delicious braised crocodile duck to treat the whole family dear.

Instructions for choosing ingredients to cook braised duck with crocodile

How to choose delicious ingredients to cook braised crocodile duck? Check out the following article!

1. How to choose delicious duck

Ducks are the “most boneless” poultry species, especially those that are raised in the wild. So how to choose a fat, thick duck to cook braised crocodile duck?

For raw ducks

– Observe duck feathers: Should choose ducks that have grown enough feathers. Such soft, silky duck feathers will be easier for you to process, avoiding having to pick up too many downs, which is very time consuming.

– Delicious ducks often have round breasts, feel thick when touching the skin of the neck and belly, buy immediately.

– Male ducks will taste better than female ducks. Pay attention to the part of the duck’s bill, if it is small and hard, it is an old duck. This type of duck meat is thicker, firmer and more fragrant than young ducks.

For the ready-made duck

– Should buy ducks that have just been feathered.

– Use your fingers to press the surface of the duck meat to see that the meat is fresh and firm. If you see a swelling, it is a duck that has pumped water.

2. How to choose crocodiles

Crocodile used in this dish must be carefully selected. Do not buy too young crocodiles because so the pulp is not thick, too old crocodiles will be hard and sour taste.

Should buy the crocodile cake, with beautiful green color. The crocodile skin is a bit rough, the pulp will be thick and the meat will be sour, so the dish will be delicious and right.

There is only one crocodile season each year, so you can buy a lot of crocodiles for preliminary processing and freeze them for later use. Should shave the crocodile skin, wash and drain, then put in a box and put in the freezer of the refrigerator.

The secret to preliminarily processing ducks does not smell

Duck meat has a very specific taste, so in order not to affect the dish, you need to deodorize this smell.

1. Cut the fishing float

The duck’s odor gland is located in the fishing float, so if you don’t cut this part off, your braised duck with crocodile will have an extremely unpleasant odor when finished. At this point, no matter how you use deodorant, it won’t work. Therefore, in the process of preparing duck, you should cut this part off.

2. Use lemon or vinegar

Lemon and vinegar contain a large amount of acids that help in eliminating the odor of duck very effectively.

The method is extremely simple, you cut the lemon into thin slices and then use your hands to rub them on the duck body. If using vinegar, you can marinate the duck in a mixture containing this spice.

Let the lemon/vinegar stay on the duck skin for about 5-10 minutes and then wash it off with clean water.

3. How to deodorize duck with fresh ginger

Is there a way to quickly and effectively remove the smell of duck? The answer is fresh ginger. This spice has a very good deodorizing ability. Its characteristic pungent flavor will help eliminate unpleasant odors on the duck.

First, you should scrape the skin of the ginger, wash it, smash it and rub it on the duck body. Note, for effective deodorization, you can add a few grains of salt with white wine.

How to make braised duck with crocodile taste in the North

To make delicious braised crocodile duck, you need to refer to the following recipe:

1. Ingredients for Braised Crocodile Duck

– Duck: 1 – 1.5kg

– Crocodile: 6-10 fruits (depending on the ability of each family to like sour food)

– Spices: lemon, salt, sugar, ginger, onion, scallions, lemongrass, garlic, galangal, coriander, coriander

*Note: Should choose grass duck, because this duck has more meat and less fat

Duck, crocodile and spices make a standard braised duck dish

2. Steps to cook delicious braised duck with crocodile

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients

– Green onion, lemongrass, ginger, garlic, onion, galangal, coriander, Chinese smell… remove the shell, old leaves, then wash.

Step 2: Prepare and marinate delicious duck meat

– To get rid of the bad smell, you need to squeeze the duck with salt, wash it clean, then cut ½ lemon and rub the skin to remove the smell. Then use a knife to cut the duck into pieces.

– Marinate duck with onion, ginger, garlic, lemongrass… minced, 1 teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon sugar, marinate for about 20-30 minutes for the duck to infuse the spices.

Marinate duck meat with spices and ginger, lemongrass, chili

Step 3: Stir-fry duck

– Put the pan on the stove with a little cooking oil, when the oil is hot, add the remaining amount of onion, garlic, and lemongrass to fry until fragrant. Pour in all the marinated duck meat and stir well, stir-fry until the duck is fragrant and the meat is firm. This step will make the duck more fragrant and infuse the spices.

Stir-fry marinated duck meat

Step 4: Braise duck

Put the crocodile in the pot and then pour the water to cover the meat, cover and cook. Cook on high heat for the duck meat to boil quickly, then reduce the heat to low, braise for about 30 minutes until the duck is tender.

*Note: If you want to cook braised duck with coconut milk, just replace cold water with coconut water.

At this time, the crocodile is also soft, use a ladle to pickle the crocodile until it is acidic enough, then stop, seasoning to taste. Finally sprinkle more coriander, Chinese smell, green onion and turn off the stove.

Braised duck with crocodile when finished is fragrant. The broth is extremely delicious while eating, you can feel the sweetness from the duck meat.

The duck meat is soft, fragrant, rich, and the crocodile is crunchy and extremely wasteful. You should enjoy the dish while it is still hot.

6 Other delicious ways to cook braised duck with crocodile

In addition to the cooking method above, braised duck with crocodile has other variations. You can consult.

1. How to make Braised Duck with Taro

– Materials to add: 200g of taro, then peeled and washed.

– This portion of taro will be added while the duck has been braised for 30 minutes, because the taro is very quick to cook, it only needs to cook for another 7-10 minutes. Do not cook for too long or it will break.

You can also add a portion of spinach to the cooking pot to add more flavor to the dish. Braised crocodile duck cooked in this way is both simple and delicious. Suitable for white rice or vermicelli.

2. How to make braised duck with bamboo shoots

– Ingredients to add: 300g sour bamboo shoots are cut into pieces and boiled in boiling water to remove the acidity.

– Bamboo shoots will be added after cooking duck and crocodile for about 30 minutes. Continue to cook until the bamboo shoots are soft, the water in the pot begins to form a thick mixture, then turn off the heat.

Scoop the duck meat and bamboo shoots into a bowl and pour the broth over. The duck meat is tender and delicious. Crispy bamboo shoots are very strange to eat.

3. How to make Braised Duck with Taro Crocodile

– Additional materials: 200g peeled taro, cut into large square pieces. Wash with water and then bring the fried potatoes to golden brown on all sides with cooking oil. Remove the potatoes to drain the oil.

– How to cook braised duck with taro taro is added when the duck has been braised for 30-40 minutes. Add fried golden taro and braise with duck for another 5-7 minutes. Taro quickly cooked, cooked too long will be crushed.

Taro braised duck has a very delicious, fragrant taro part. The soft cooked duck meat is loved by everyone who eats it. In particular, the fragrant broth of taro, the sweetness of duck meat and the mild sour taste of crocodile are extremely suitable for weekend gatherings.

4. Hanoi braised duck hot pot with crocodile

– Additional materials needed: 1 bunch of water spinach. Pick up all the leaves of water spinach, cut off the old stems. Keep only the stem, cut the vegetables into 5-7cm long pieces. Wash the water spinach and then boil 1 pot of water, add a little salt and then put the water spinach in it for about 1 minute, then take it out and wash it with cold water to make the vegetables crispy.

– After braised duck with crocodile is soft, add water spinach and cook for 1-2 minutes. Water spinach is ripe, still retains its crispness and beautiful green color. Remove vegetables and duck meat and enjoy.

The tender duck meat is rich in spices. Delicious soup with a mild sour taste, very attractive. You can prepare an extra portion of fresh vermicelli to serve as well.

You can eat braised duck with water spinach like eating hot pot, with vermicelli

If you don’t eat all of the duck meat, you should let it cool, then pour it into an airtight container with a lid and store it in the refrigerator. When you’re ready to eat, just take it out, reheat it, and use it as usual.

Braised duck should only be left for 2-3 days. Avoid leaving it for too long to make the dish degenerate and not retain the original flavor.

5. How to make Braised Duck with Coconut Water

– Ingredients to add: 1 liter of fresh coconut water

– This part of coconut water will be used to replace duck braised water. You just need to pour fresh coconut water into the pot and then proceed to the duck meat and stir-fried ingredients during processing.

Braised crocodile meat combined with fresh coconut water will bring an extremely stimulating taste experience. The sour taste of crocodile, the salty taste of duck meat when processed with the sweetness of coconut water will make the dish even more attractive, no matter how much rice and vermicelli is eaten.

6. How to cook braised duck with beer

– Additional ingredients: 2 bottles of beer with a capacity of 500ml

– These beer bottles will be used to replace the usual duck braised water. You just need to pour the beer in the bottle into the duck cooking pot and then proceed to put the duck meat and necessary ingredients into it to cook.

– Beer has a bitter taste, so you can add appropriate spices to improve the taste, making the dish more delicious.

Braised crocodile meat combined with beer will bring a strange but very attractive flavor to the dish. The pot of braised duck with crocodile not only has a sour taste from crocodile but also has a light aroma of beer, which is a favorite dish for cold rainy days in the North.

What is the best vegetable to eat with braised duck with crocodile?

With a simple recipe and how to cook braised duck with crocodile is not difficult. To add the perfect part to the dish, it is best to serve with different vegetables. Note that, although suitable for many types of vegetables, not all combinations will create the flavor you want. Some vegetables will be very suitable to eat with duck meat such as:

1. Boiled vegetables

You may not know, vegetables such as chayote, carrots are extremely suitable for braised duck with crocodile. The process is very simple, you just need to peel, wash and cut into pieces and boil it.

The cool, natural sweetness of boiled vegetables will help neutralize the rich flavor of the dish.

2. Pickle dish

If you are wondering what to eat with braised crocodile duck, pickled vegetables are a good choice.

The sour taste of this vegetable dish served with the thick broth of braised crocodile is a 10 point for quality.

3. Water spinach

It would be a mistake to omit water spinach in the list of vegetables suitable for braised duck with crocodile.

Water spinach you pick up the old stem, yellow leaves, then wash and drain. When the pot of braised duck with crocodile is boiling, you can dip this vegetable in it, wait for the vegetables to be cooked and enjoy.

Water spinach stalks are cooked until crispy and soaked with the taste of braised duck with crocodile. It is no exaggeration to say that these two dishes are “born for each other”.

4. Coriander, the smell of ships

If you can choose vegetables combined with braised duck with crocodile, do not forget to prepare coriander and Chinese flavor. The characteristic aroma of these two vegetables will make the dish even more perfect.

How many calories are in 100g of braised duck with crocodile?

According to nutritionists, every 100g of duck meat will provide about 200-300 calories. Depending on the method of processing and use, this amount may vary.

For example, 100g of duck meat has 211 calories but if you remove the duck skin, the calories are now only 130. Or when boiled, the calories are 220, but if the duck is roasted, it will increase to 336.

People who should not eat braised duck with crocodile no matter how much they crave

Both the main ingredients of the dish are duck meat and green crocodile, which are very nutritious. However, not everyone can eat them. Here are some objects that absolutely should not eat braised duck with crocodile no matter how much they crave.

– People who are suffering from diseases of the digestive tract.

– Patients who have just finished surgery if eating duck meat will make the wound heal longer.

– People with cough eating duck meat will make the disease last forever.

– People with joint problems.

Above is a summary of how to make braised duck with crocodile which is extremely easy to make and taste, everyone who eats must praise the deliciousness of the octopus. You can refer to and add to the menu delicious duck meat dishes to entertain the whole family. Good luck with this recipe.

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