8 foods that help you quit smoking

Written by Mervat Rashad

Thursday, February 23, 2023 07:00 AM

Smoking causes heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, lung disease and a number of other ailments, to name a few Smoking as a line factorR, and there are a number of people who are trying to quit smoking, but it is easier said than done, and here are some foods that help you to quit smoking, according to what was published by the site ” food.ndtv“.

8 foods and drinks that help you quit smoking

1. Milk:

Many doctors have recommended milk, the suggestion being that drinking some milk instead of smoking helps make cigarettes less palatable.

2. Fruits and vegetables:

Fruits and vegetables also have a similar effect to milk as well. While eating fruits, you will lose the craving for smoke. They also add plenty of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients that help detox from smoke damage.

3. Popcorn and nuts:

Quitting smoking makes many people feel hungry, both are low in calories and take a long time to chew, so keep some popcorn or nuts next to you and have a full cup without feeling guilty about overeating.

4. Sweet foods:

People who quit smoking often tend to indulge in sweet foods to overcome cravings. Fresh fruits especially frozen grapes are a good suggestion instead of sweets or chocolates..


Cinnamon is another flavor recommended by quitters, chewing on a stick of cinnamon can keep your mouth busy and away from the urge to smoke..

6. Beans:

Since weight gain is a reality among people who are on their journey to quit smoking, it is suggested that eating beans that are rich in fiber and protein is good for the journey. They keep you full for longer and keep hunger pangs under control. Beans are also a good source of fiber and plant sterols that have Positive effect on heart health.

7. Ginseng Tea:

Ginseng tea is associated with a weaker effect on dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain associated with pleasure that is released when tobacco is smoked, so drinking this may help take away the pleasure of smoking.

8. Sugar Free Gum:

Sugar-free gum and mints aren’t the absolute favorites, but they do keep your mouth busy and have been shown to help with cravings, so keep some handy..

While these can be foods that help you quit smoking, coffee, and spicy foods are associated with enhancing the flavor of cigarettes. Caffeine tends to increase the stimulating effects of cigarettes, which is why people often smoke on a coffee break, so stay away from caffeine for a few months.

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