9 warning signs of cancer in women

Books by Hussam Al-Shaqwiri

Thursday, April 13, 2023 03:00 PM

deaths due to cancer It is the second highest rate in India, early detection can help in treatment and help save lives too. We all know that there are many changes that a woman goes through in her life. They often ignore their health, which can lead to many health conditions, and some of the early symptoms of cancer are unexplained weight loss, abnormal bleeding, constant fatigue, bowel changes, cervical cancer and ovarian cancer are the two most common types of cancer in women, according to what was published by the website. onlymyhealth.


Warning signs of cancer in women

1 – Abnormal vaginal bleeding

You should be seen by a doctor if you have abnormal vaginal bleeding, as it may be a sign of endometrial cancer. In addition, if you experience spotting between periods or bleeding during sexual intercourse, this could be a sign of cervical or vaginal cancer.

2 – constant fatigue

It is normal to feel tired from time to time, which usually goes away after rest. However, you should see a doctor immediately if you still feel tired and it affects your daily activities. It could be a sign of early cancer.

3 – Unexplained weight loss

A healthy diet and exercise play an important role in losing weight. However, if you are losing a lot of pounds without any change in your diet or daily activities, it may be a cause for concern. This is because cancer can make you lose weight.

4 – bowel changes

If you have bowel changes, this could be a sign of colorectal cancer because it affects the rectum and colon. You should visit your doctor if you are witnessing frequent bowel changes or are experiencing symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, cramps, etc.

5 – changes in the breast

A symptom that may indicate serious health problems such as cancer. You should get yourself checked out as soon as possible.

6 – skin changes

If you see any new lesions or moles, an increase in the size of moles, or a change in the color of existing moles, this could be a sign of skin cancer. You should regularly examine your toes, your scalp, and every area of ​​skin.

7 – pelvic and abdominal pain

It is normal to experience pelvic or abdominal pain due to bloating or menstruation. However, you should see your doctor if the pain persists for weeks, as it may be a sign of ovarian cancer.

8– Anorexia

Another symptom of cancer that you should look out for is loss of appetite. Your stomach may be compressed by tumors in or near your digestive tract, affecting your appetite.

9 – continuous cough

You may be coughing because of a cold or asthma, but a chronic cough could be a symptom of lung cancer.

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