US authorities have confirmed 12 cases of monkeypox so far.

monkeypox in the US
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of The US has so far confirmed 12 cases. of monkeypox in the country, which are spread across eight states.

The first known case was that of an adult male from Massachusetts. The citizen had recently been to Canada and was confirmed by the CDC on May 18.

Later, cases have been confirmed in Florida (two), Colorado (two), California (two) and Utah (two). Plus one in Washington state, one in New York and one in Virginia.

The symptoms of monkeypox are similar to those of the now eradicated smallpox – fever, headache, muscle pain, back pain, chills and exhaustion. Although they are somewhat milder and are often accompanied by swollen glands. In addition to a skin rash that spreads from the face to other parts of the body, mainly hands and feet.

Los CDC They stated that “it is not clear how a person is exposed to monkeypox. But among the cases there are people who self-identify as men who have sex with other men.

CDC is currently working with state and local health authorities to identify people who may have been in contact with the 12 who have tested positive for monkeypox.

The US public health agency urged people with symptoms similar to those of monkeypox, for which there is a vaccine, to contact medical centers.

This recommendation is especially for those who have been in the last month in areas of the world where cases have been detected. If they have been around someone with monkeypox or if they are men who have sex with men.

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