[직장인 건강통계학❽] Are you having trouble sleeping because of urinating?

Kim Hae-yang, an office worker in his 40s, is experiencing physical changes that are different from before, such as hungry, thirsty, and urinating frequently even after eating these days. In addition, he lost weight for no reason and his lethargy worsened, so he went to the hospital and underwent a thorough check-up. Consequences of diabetes risk. Health is not hiding his embarrassment at the unexpected health red flag. what should he do now

The 40s is the time when diabetes begins to develop in earnest.[사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Health worker health worker has hardly had a good night’s sleep in the past year. Because I woke up every 2-3 hours. The reason was ‘frequent urination’. Health, who was judged to be ‘high risk of diabetes’, found out why.

When diabetes becomes severe, the body excretes excess sugar through urine. As a result, I have no choice but to urinate frequently (polyuria). The problem is that a lot of water is released in the process, so you are thirsty (multiple water), and you have to drink a lot of water (daum multi-飮). This is called ‘diabetes 3’. In her 40s, Mr. Health started taking ‘diabetes medication’ not long ago. Can he get a good night’s sleep now?

In fact, diabetes in your 40s is not a rare disease. The 40s is a time when the number of diabetic patients increases exponentially. In their 40s, the number of diabetic patients increases more than 2.5 times in men and more than 3.5 times in women compared to those in their 30s.

At this point, it seems safe to say that the age of 40 is the onset of diabetes. If the following 8 symptoms suddenly appear in the body you were confident of as young as possible, the dark shadow of diabetes may be cast, so please visit a specialist for an accurate diagnosis. ❶Small urination ❷Frequent thirst ❸Fatigue (lethargy) ❹ Blurred vision ❺Slow wound healing ❻Pain in limbs (numbness and tingling) ❼Frequent hunger (feeling of hunger) ❽Stained skin in the armpits, neck, groin, etc. So what kind of disease is diabetes?

In fact, diabetes is a disease that is so common that 3 out of 10 people include the ‘pre-stage’. However, if left unattended, it can cause serious damage to nerves, eyes, and kidneys. It is also a cause of arteriosclerosis, which promotes diseases with a high risk of death, such as heart disease and stroke. The progression of complications without noticeable symptoms is also a risk factor for diabetes.

Typical complications of diabetes include diabetic neuropathy, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy, and arteriosclerosis. Diabetic neuropathy is a disease that causes abnormalities in the nerves of the hands and feet due to high blood sugar. It is a complication of sensory abnormalities such as pain or numbness in the fingers or toes.

As a complication of diabetes, so-called ‘diabetic foot’ causes numbness due to nerve damage, so even if there is a wound on the foot, it is not recognized. If the skin or mucous membrane of the foot is torn off by neglecting the wound, foot ulcers may occur, and if the inflammation spreads rapidly, osteomyelitis may progress. If the symptoms are severe, it may lead to the amputation of a part of the leg, so be careful.

Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of high blood sugar that damages the microvessels in the retina of the eye. This can also lead to blindness if left untreated. Retinopathy, which appears after 10 years of contracting diabetes, progresses without subjective symptoms, so it is necessary to prevent and treat it through an annual fundus examination.

Diabetic nephropathy is a complication of damage to microvessels in the kidneys due to high blood sugar. If it progresses, the kidney function to excrete waste products through urine is damaged, and in the end, dialysis treatment can lead to life. Because this also progresses without any symptoms, regular kidney function tests are necessary.

As mentioned earlier, diabetes is also a cause of arteriosclerosis. In particular, postprandial hyperglycemia is known to advance arteriosclerosis. In order to prevent arteriosclerosis, it is necessary to manage hypertension, lipid dystrophy, and obesity along with diabetes management.

When these four lifestyle-related diseases, nicknamed the ‘quartet of death’, are combined, the progression of arteriosclerosis is accelerated, increasing the risk of death from heart disease or stroke. How should diabetes be managed and treated, which poses such a serious risk?

Kim Gook-jin, editor at The Scoop
[email protected]

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