The 4 nutrients that Chinese people lack the most!Decryption of Dietitian University – LOHAS Diet – Free Health Network

Nutritionists say vitamin E can be supplemented by eating nuts, vegetable oils, and dark green vegetables. (Picture taken from photoAC)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Eat three meals that are full, but actually lack nutrition? Nutritionist Zeng Yitian “Nutrition Food Ms.E10 – Dietitian YitianAccording to the latest national nutrition survey results, most Chinese people are deficient in vitamin D, vitamin E, calcium and dietary fiber, and listed the recommended intake of the above four nutrients, recommended foods and the nutritional value of them.

Dietary fiber

Less than 20% of people who can eat 3 servings of vegetables a day.

Please read on…

●Dietary fiber can stabilize blood sugar, lower cholesterol, help defecation, and maintain intestinal health.

●“Vegetables” does not equal “fruits”. Do not replace vegetables with fruits.

● The recommended daily intake of fiber is 25 grams, and eat at least 3 servings of vegetables per day. In addition, the staple food should choose whole grains, such as oats, barley, sweet potatoes, and brown rice.

Vitamin D

All age groups are deficient and on the verge of deprivation, especially women.

●Vitamin D is related to calcium absorption, immune regulation, and sarcopenia.

40% of vitamin D comes from food and 60% from sun exposure. It is recommended to get sun exposure for 10-15 minutes from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm every day. Appropriately match health products.

Calcium (Ca)

More than 4 years old are not enough, teenagers and middle-aged people need it more.

●Calcium helps strengthen bones, maintain normal nerves and emotional stability.

●It is recommended to take 2 servings of fresh milk a day, which can meet at least 1/2 of the daily calcium requirement; or take calcium-rich foods such as sesame, tofu, dark green vegetables, dried small fish, etc., and match it with resistance exercise. Prevent osteoporosis.

Vitamin E

Groups over the age of 7 are all deficient, and the degree of deficiency is higher in women.

●Vitamin E has antioxidant power, improves mucosal health, maintains fertility, helps tissue repair, and protects cardiovascular.

●Intake of nuts, vegetable oils and dark green vegetables can supplement vitamin E, such as sesame, almond, sunflower seeds, olive oil, linseed oil.

Zeng Yitian also reminded that there is no single food in the world that contains all the nutrients the body needs. The human body’s operation is more sophisticated and naturally requires various elements to maintain a normal or even an ideal state. If it is really difficult to eat enough from the natural diet, you can also choose suitable health food supplements.

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