A cheap spice found in every home that regulates pressure, promotes liver health, and prevents aging and depression

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Nutmeg contains many important minerals and antioxidants for the body and to boost its immunity, especially calcium, potassium, copper and manganese, according to Web Medicine.

It is its benefits

1. Promoting the health of the digestive system, helping to get rid of flatulence, intestinal distress and diarrhea, and soothing stomach pain and ulcers.

2. Improve the complexion, as nutmeg is used in making masks for the skin, helps make it clearer and brighter, and helps remove spots and acne scars. Nutmeg also helps prevent premature skin aging, which may be caused by prolonged exposure to the sun.

3. Analgesic for toothache It was found that nutmeg oil has a soothing and analgesic role for toothache, in addition to having an aesthetic effect on the issue of teeth whitening. Nutmeg is also antibacterial and antibacterial, acts as an antiseptic that protects gums, helps prevent tooth decay, and treats bad breath.

4. Promoting Brain Health Nutmeg has been used since ancient times as a brain stimulant, to increase concentration, and to prevent fatigue, stress and depression. It was also found that nutmeg contains an organic compound known as Myristicin that helps in the prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

5. Pain reliever Nutmeg is famous in Chinese medicine as a soothing agent for various pains, whether abdominal pain or inflammation. Indeed, it has proven to play a role in calming joint pain and inflammation, muscle pain, teeth and gums.

6. Helping sleep Nutmeg is one of the traditional recipes that have been passed on for generations to treat insomnia and help sleep. A sprinkle of ground nutmeg with a glass of warm milk before bed will do the job. It has been shown that eating nutmeg in small quantities and regularly helps regulate sleep, increase its duration and improve its quality in general.

7. Promoting liver health One of the benefits of nutmeg is that it helps to treat liver diseases, and it has also been found that nutmeg has a potential ability to protect the liver from free radicals that cause many of its diseases.

8. Regulating blood pressure Experts who specialize in developing diets for patients with high blood pressure recommend including nutmeg in the patient’s diet, due to its potential ability to lower blood pressure, but this is still a limitation.

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