A deadly poison that will kill you in the blink of an eye.. a popular daily drink that destroys brain cells and causes early dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Avoid it immediately before it is too late.

A deadly poison that kills you in the blink of an eye.. a popular daily drink that destroys brain cells and causes early dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Avoid it immediately before it is too late

Many people suffer from forgetfulness and dispersion since a young age and when they grow up they get Alzheimer’s, where we find that there is a drink that increases the rate of forgetfulness and works to destroy the brain and cause Alzheimer’s, which is coffee, where we find that coffee has many benefits as it works on a lot of alertness and focus, and when we eat large quantities A large amount of coffee turns into a reverse coup as it leads to a lot of forgetfulness and distraction of the mind and can lead to dementia and lack of focus and destroys the brain, so when consuming it, be careful and we will explain its damage through this article..

A popular daily drink that destroys the brain

When we drink a lot of coffee, we find that it is harmful and not beneficial, as it causes us serious diseases and harms the health of the brain. We will explain the extent of its damage through the following points.

  • It increases the frequency of prediction and waking up, which helps in forgetting and the occurrence of mental dispersal.
  • Despite its useful predictive power, it can lead to increased forgetfulness and lead to Alzheimer’s disease with age.
  • It helps in the occurrence of strokes and can lead to the brain stopping.
  • It increases harmful cholesterol in the blood, which helps block blood vessels and prevent blood from reaching the heart.
  • It increases harmful cholesterol in the body.
  • Helps in the event of atherosclerosis, clots and heart attacks constantly.
  • It leads to stomach damage and ulcers in the digestive system.
  • It works on stress and anxiety due to lack of sleep.
    It leads to the appearance of dark circles due to lack of sleep.
  • Lack of sleep affects the functioning of the nervous system and leads to its destruction.
  • Destruction of the digestive system and we find increased flatulence of the irritable bowel.
    Therefore, you should not exceed 3 cups of coffee a day to get the best results for drinking coffee and not to get any damage.

How to make coffee

When we drink coffee, it should be consumed in moderation without increasing its consumption to avoid its harm, and when we prepare it, we get many benefits from alertness, remembering, vitality and activity.

the components:

How to prepare:

  • Bring a bowl and put water with coffee and sugar in it and stir them cold.
  • Raise the coffee on a very low heat and leave it on the fire until it begins to boil, so we turn off the fire.
  • We serve it in its own cup and with contentment and lips

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