A horror motel under the Polydôme for the Halloween of the 350th anniversary of Varennes

On the occasion of Halloween, the horror motel will take up residence on October 28, 29 and 30 under the Polydôme in Parc du Pré-Vert. The unprecedented event presented by DIVCO for the 350th anniversary of Varennes will hold a whole host of frightening surprises for visitors. While the haunted route will provide a spooky experience that may be suitable for a wider audience during the day, it will turn into a real horror place for a discerning audience once darkness falls.

The adventure will feature the fictional story of an old motel put up for sale to the highest bidder. Despite its adorable pastel appearance and kitsch decor, visitors will discover as they explore a disturbing journey invaded by strange characters and paranormal phenomena. They will be forced to walk along long corridors and visit rooms that are just as frightening as they are captivating. A unique universe that will bring its share of thrills to lovers of scare, horror films and thrills.

In addition to the immersive decor and a group of animators personifying employees and visitors from another era, the course will be embellished with a special soundtrack.

Some visitors might find the test difficult. Emergency exits are provided to quickly leave the course if necessary.

Details about the activity and schedule are available on the event page at https://ville.varennes.qc.ca/evenements/halloween

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