A painful and dangerous fate for the artist Ahmed Fahmy, the star of the series (The Game of Oblivion), and sadness hangs over the artistic community and its large audience!

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The artist Ahmed Fahmy was supposed to appear alongside the artist Dina El-Sherbiny in one of the roles of the series Game of Oblivion, which will be shown in the Ramadan series race this year, but the Corona virus forced him not to complete filming his scenes.

After the decision to ban curfews and stop flying, which prompted the series’ family to hire the artist Ahmed Safwat, who will play a controversial role in the series this year.

The series, Game of Oblivion, is the third series starring the artist, Dina El-Sherbiny, after her presentation of the Malika series and the series Zey El Shams,

Among the series that will join this year’s Ramadan drama race, which continues filming its scenes amid the Corona pandemic, which was imposed on most

Postponing filming and postponing the show for the next month of Ramadan. The series, Game of Oblivion, revolves around a middle-class girl who embodies her character

Actress Dina El-Sherbiny in her second absolute starring on the television drama screen, her life changes after losing her memory to begin to learn the details of her new life, which brings her into a great conflict.

The director of the series “The Oblivion Game”
The crisis of the withdrawal of its director, Hani Khalifa, who announced his withdrawal from completing filming,

After filming more than half of its scenes, director Ahmed Shafik will direct the rest of the scenes of the series, which will be shown within a race

for this year. This is the second time that the director of the series, Dina El-Sherbiny, has announced his withdrawal.
Scriptwriter Tamer Habib denied that the withdrawal came

Because of disagreements between work members, but rather because of what the Corona virus imposed on not filming many external scenes, and scenes of gatherings. Ramadan 2020 series

The Ramadan 2020 series is experiencing a state of tension, especially with the approaching month of Ramadan, so many series are trying to complete filming their scenes amid the spread

The new Corona virus, Covid 19, where the Corona virus besieged the Ramadan drama, and caused the cancellation and stopping of filming many of them, and forced them to leave the Ramadan race.

The one who faced this fate was the series “Cairo Kabul” by Tarek Lotfi, Khaled Al-Sawy, and Fathi Abdel Wahab, the series “The Magician” by the Syrian actor Abed Fahd, and the series “Dantel” by the artist Cyrine Abdel Nour,

Yesterday, she expressed her anger at the decision to stop filming, and demanded that it be resumed as long as the filming sites and their employees adhere to the necessary safety and prevention measures.

As is well known, especially in the artistic community, some statements are usually received with their owner to the extent of attack and criticism, although some may see that it is just a spontaneous statement that does not deserve all this attack and criticism, according to what was reported by the Egyptian authority website.

Among the most prominent criticisms faced by the stars, we find the violent attack on the seduction star, which refuses to be classified as the star of seduction, Nahed El Sebaei, who hardly passes an occasion or event unless she is in the heart of the attack on him and her.

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