A robot becomes the first CEO of a company with several thousand workers

No, you didn’t wake up in a sci-fi movie. A robot woman, controlled by artificial intelligence, has been placed at the head of a Chinese company. The artificial intelligence was created by a large Chinese video game company, NetDragon Websoft, which recently entrusted him with the role of CEO of its Fujian subsidiary NetDragon Websoft. The robot is therefore at the head of thousands of workers, a great first.

Of course, not everything happened overnight. It took years for NetDragon Websoft to achieve such a result. In 2017, the company decided to create a virtual character and give him responsibilities in the company. The goal, at the time, was to show customers that the artificial intelligence developed by the company for its video games was capable of functioning correctly in real life.

This is how Mrs. Tang Yu was born who, one thing led to another, became the CEO of a company of several thousand people, while generating billions of dollars each year.

In reality, the robot only appears through a computer screen, in the form of a humanoid. But if it is an artificial intelligence created and controlled by very living beings and who are just as capable of unplugging it, it is indeed artificial intelligence that manages the daily activities of the company: it is capable of approving decisions, signing documents, managing projects as well as evaluating staff performance and deciding on possible sanctions.

“Tang Yu will streamline processes, improve the quality of work tasks and the speed of execution”explains the company NetDragon, which sees several advantages with its new robot CEO: it can work 24 hours a day without being paid and its decision-making will always be rational and logical and never altered by feelings.

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