A “scary number” shows the link between cancer and pollution

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The European Agency said in a statement that "exposure for air pollution Andsecondhand smoke In addition to ultraviolet radiation, asbestos and some other chemicals and pollutants, they are the underlying causes of more than 10 percent of cancer cases in Europe."according to "AFP".

This number may drop significantly if the approved policies, specifically those aimed at combating pollution, are strictly implemented, according to the agency.

The expert at the European Environment Agency, Gerardo Sanchez, confirmed before publishing the report, which is the first for the agency to address the link between Cancer and the environmentthat "It is possible to reduce all environmental and occupational carcinogenic risks".

He said in a statement that: "Cancers related to the environment, for which radiation or carcinogenic chemicals are one of the causes, can be reduced to a small level".

Agency figures indicate that air pollution is responsible for 1 percent of cancer cases and about 2 percent of related deaths, which rises to 9 percent when we talk about lung cancer.

The European Agency stated that recent studies showed "There is a relationship between long-term exposure to particulate matter, which are essential air pollutants, and leukemia in children and adults".

Radon, a radioactive natural gas that is inhaled especially in poorly ventilated places, is responsible for 2 percent of cancer cases in Europe.

The European Agency pointed out that ultraviolet rays, which are the main source of the sun, but also come in artificial forms, are responsible for about 4 percent of all cancer cases, especially melanoma, a dangerous type of skin cancer whose incidence has increased dramatically in Europe in recent decades.

And some of the chemicals used in the workplace and thrown in nature are carcinogens as well.

Lead, arsenic, chromium, insecticides, and bisphenols are "a" Alkylating materials and polyfluorocarbons are among the most dangerous substances for the health of Europeans, in addition to asbestos, which has been banned since 2005 in the European Union, while some buildings still contain it.

Annually, 2.7 million cases of cancer are registered in the European Union.


The European Agency stated in a statement that “exposure for air pollution Andsecondhand smoke In addition to ultraviolet radiation, asbestos, some chemicals and other pollutants, they are the underlying causes of more than 10 percent of cancer cases in Europe,” according to “AFP”.

This number may drop significantly if the approved policies, specifically those aimed at combating pollution, are strictly implemented, according to the agency.

The expert at the European Environment Agency, Gerardo Sanchez, confirmed before publishing the report, which is the first for the agency to address the link between Cancer and the environmentIt is possible to reduce all environmental and occupational carcinogenic risks.

He said in a statement, “The cases of cancer related to the environment, for which radiation or carcinogenic chemicals are one of the causes, can be reduced to a small level.”

Agency figures indicate that air pollution is responsible for 1 percent of cancer cases and about 2 percent of related deaths, which rises to 9 percent when we talk about lung cancer.

The European Agency stated that recent studies showed “a relationship between long-term exposure to particulate matter, which are essential air pollutants, and leukemia in children and adults.”

Radon, a radioactive natural gas that is inhaled especially in poorly ventilated places, is responsible for 2 percent of cancer cases in Europe.

The European Agency pointed out that ultraviolet rays, which are the main source of the sun, but also come in artificial forms, are responsible for about 4 percent of all cancer cases, especially melanoma, a dangerous type of skin cancer whose incidence has increased dramatically in Europe in recent decades.

And some of the chemicals used in the workplace and thrown in nature are carcinogens as well.

Lead, arsenic, chromium, pesticides, bisphenol A, alkylating materials and polyfluorocarbons are among the most dangerous to European health, in addition to asbestos, which has been banned since 2005 in the European Union, while some buildings still contain it.

Annually, 2.7 million cases of cancer are registered in the European Union.

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