A study reveals a strange relationship between the amount of coffee you consume and your chance of developing diabetes!

Al-Marsad newspaper: Several studies indicate that the number of diabetics increases dramatically every year, which requires knowledge of the various factors that increase or decrease the risk of developing this chronic condition.

Researchers say the amount of coffee a person consumes can lead to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and vice versa.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin, or when the body’s cells do not react to insulin

According to a study from Harvard University, people who reduced their coffee consumption by one cup per day over four years were 17% more likely to develop diabetes.

And those who added an extra cup of coffee reduced their risk of developing diabetes by 11%.

Although researchers don’t know exactly why coffee affects the body, one theory is that coffee appears to boost blood sugar levels.

While this means that coffee has a beneficial effect on the body, not all types of coffee are created equal.

Espresso or coffee is likely to have much higher health benefits than coffee with sugar, whipped cream, and syrup.

However, another health benefit of coffee has been identified, as previous studies have found that coffee can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

At the same time, there are other factors that can affect a person’s likelihood of developing diabetes, including the use of mouthwash, which may have a negative effect.

A study from the University of Alabama showed that those who used this substance twice a day were 50 percent more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who did not use it.

Although this may sound alarming, more research is needed to fully understand this link.

Diabetes UK says a number of factors can influence a person’s risk, such as: Age, ethnic origin, hypertension, weight, smoking, Pregnancy diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, mental health conditions).

With each passing year, scientists work to develop a better understanding of diabetes and how to treat it.

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