A type of tea that is anti-cancer, extends life and fights cholesterol

Al-Marsad newspaper: New research, published in the journal Aging, and conducted by the Biomedical Research Center at the University of Salford, UK, has found that the green matcha drink can promote longevity through its anti-cancer and cholesterol-lowering powers.

The British Express website highlighted the anti-cancer properties of matcha tea, as the study found that this tea was able to significantly reduce the spread of cancer cells.

One of the study’s authors, Dr. Michael Lisante, noted that “matcha green tea is a natural product used as a dietary supplement,” adding: “Using metabolic phenotyping, we found that tea inhibits oxidative metabolism in mitochondria – in other words, prevents cells from ‘refueling’. “So it becomes reactive and dies.”

And he added, “Our results are consistent with the idea that “matcha” may have great therapeutic potential, mediating the metabolic reprogramming of cancer cells.”

In addition, the powerful antioxidants in matcha help ward off many diseases, from heart disease to osteoporosis. In addition, it can lower blood cholesterol, as one of the antioxidants in green drinks called catechin, which is the Effective that can also target the fatty substance.

Looking at 1,136 people, the study conducted fourteen trials to monitor the effects of the drink, and the research team found that the drink was able to lower “bad” cholesterol by 2.19 mg/dL.

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