Abdulaziz Al-Hussaini’s Weather Forecasts and Climate Research Updates on Al-Marsad Newspaper

2023-11-08 08:06:37

Al-Marsad newspaper: Weather and climate researcher Abdulaziz Al-Hussaini revealed his forecasts regarding the weather condition.

Strength and breadth

Al-Hussaini said, in a tweet via his account on the “X” platform: It is expected that the rain will decrease in the southern and western regions, and thus the second rainy condition for the year 1445 AH ended and it was better than the first condition in terms of strength and breadth.

Hiking in the wilderness

He added: A drop in temperature is expected in most areas. Therefore, I advise anyone who goes out for a walk on land, farms, or rest houses, and does not have a tent or room, to take a light winter coat with him, which he may need after ten o’clock at night, especially the northern, central, eastern, and eastern regions.

Rainy condition

He continued: A rainy condition is expected in parts of the western, southern and northern regions, then the central and eastern parts of the country next week, and change is possible because it is expected.

#AlHussaini #expects #rainy #event #Kingdom.. #identifies #areas #affected

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