Access to the poles: the CRTC tightens the screw on the telephone companies

The CRTC adopted accelerated deadlines on Wednesday for the large telephone companies to offer their smaller competitors access to the poles.

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With this measure, competitors wishing to gain access to poles owned or controlled by the major telephone companies will be able to deploy their broadband networks more quickly and efficiently, which will lead to greater competition across Canada, believes the Broadcasting Commission and of Canadian Telecommunications (CRTC).

“Poles are essential to the deployment of telecommunications networks. The measures put in place today will have tangible impacts for Canadians by helping competitors accelerate the deployment of their broadband networks, which will lead to increased competition,” said Vicky Eatrides, President and CEO of the CRTC.

The CRTC has also clarified responsibilities for pole maintenance and cost sharing related to equipment installation. Large telcos must provide details of pole access requests to competitors and the CRTC to improve transparency and accountability.

Provincial and territorial governments are encouraged to coordinate their actions with telecommunications service providers and other stakeholders to facilitate network deployment.

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