Acquire your second home easily with Prello

It is unconventional for many people to talk about investment when it comes to buying a second home. However, it is quite possible and it is already a widespread practice. Prello is one of the pioneers in this field. Its investors have the possibility of acquiring a second home with the fractional investment method. The system is interesting, but it remains essential to understand how it works in order to better appreciate the performance of the investment.

Le concept Prello

Prello is a real estate investment company or SCPI. It brings together several investors or people who come together to buy a real estate asset to integrate it into the rental real estate sector. Today, this type of investment is one of the most appreciated and popular with investors. To acquire a property, you need at least 2 people. These can be natural or legal persons.

With Prello, you can easily become a part owner of a second home. Thanks to the services of this legal structure, the steps for this acquisition are done with disconcerting ease. It takes care of the acquisition, management and renovation procedures relating to the assets obtained via a fractional investment system. For a project to be realized, it takes 8 investors in all.

The method of investment it offers allows you to enjoy the property for 44 days during the year. Over time, you will be able to resell or bequeath your share. If you have more than one share, this increases the number of days you benefit from.

concept prello

How split investing works

Several steps are to be undertaken for the realization of the purchase of a second home in split real estate.

Study and modernization

First, the SCPI selects all the properties to be presented to investors. She puts forward her expertise when negotiating rates in order to obtain the best real estate assets on a market. Then, Prello takes care of all the work relating to the renovation, whether partial or total.

The constitution of the SCPI

When the properties are selected and offered to investors, Prello takes care of creating a real estate investment company made up of at least 8 buyers. The latter mainly provide cash contributions, the management company takes care of all the administrative procedures.

The selection of future investors

In order to be part of a real estate project, you must have the average savings or ticket requested on the Prello site, i.e. the sum of 50,000 euros. The amount may seem colossal. However, it is less so compared to the money needed to buy your own second home yourself.

In the event that an investor does not have the sum requested to participate in the purchase, he can resort to a loan to supplement his capital.

The organization of stays

So that each buyer can enjoy their second home every year, Prello establishes an occupancy calendar. The goal is that everyone can enjoy it in turn and for the number of days and nights mentioned in the contract.

Rental management

This last step involves all the tasks directly related to the rental of the residence. There is the development of rental contracts, the visit of the premises, the inventory of entry and exit. All time-consuming operations are handled at the Prello level. You therefore benefit from a property acquired at an attractive cost without incurring the costs that this entails.

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