After 6 years of existence, this MMO finally explodes on Steam!

You may remember d’Albion Online, this MMO had been talked about in France when it is released, in particular via Streamers on Twitch.

With great blows of special ops and rather well-placed promotions Albion Online had met with a rather crazy success for an independent studio during its first weeks of play. However, the hype had calmed down in a few months and the game lived with it. a low average of 10,000 daily players. Few for a spread out MMO several servers, but nothing that encouraged the German studio behind the game to stop everything, on the contrary, their new idea even brought the game back to the fore.

The return of Albion Online?

Since last weekend, Albion Online seems to be back on the front of the stage and not just a little. Ranging from an average of 10,000 players to 25,000 on average. A raise consequent for a game still released not far from 6 ans.

On Steam but also on Twitch the game seems to take a new flight as people discover or rediscover the lands of Albion.

As much focused on farming and the risque, Albion Online is really not for everyone, so what could be the reason for such a comeback?

Albion East and a server in Asia!

As I explained to you, the developers of Albion online seem far from having abandoned their project, quite the contrary.

This latest update, named Albion East is proof of this, and the success it has met with, proof that players are still interested in the formula.

This new update is indeed very special since it offers a new server, costs of any progress, accessible to players living in Asia.

With this server Sandbox Interactive is therefore targeting the Asian markets while offering current players the chance to relive the beginnings of a new Albion where the competition is more active.

More than a week after Albion’s first bounce, player counts seem to be still much higher than they were then, so can we think the MMO is on course to stay?

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