After canceling his pension, a 102-year-old man resorts to a strange trick to prove his…

09:00 pm

Saturday 10 September 2022

I wrote – Asmaa Morsi

A 102-year-old Indian man from Gandhara village in Rohtak, India, walked out in a fake wedding procession to prove he was alive after the Haryana state government declared his death in papers and canceled his pension.

The man named Dolly Chand has been going daily to government offices to get his pension for the past 6 months, which has been suspended since March 2022.

“He put on the groom’s clothes to show the Haryana government that he is alive,” Dulishand said as he rode a wedding carriage, according to hindustantimes.

He continued, “I had all my documents but I don’t know why my pension was cut off, I want to tell the government that I’m alive, I had no way to protest except for this ploy.”

Social worker Naveen Gehind, who was among dozens of people who joined the fake wedding, said he heard about the case and decided to help him, and that there are very few people his age alive.

He explained: “The government should make them brand ambassadors instead of taking their pension. This old man is not suffering from any disease and is in good health.”

The ploy worked, as former Cooperative Minister Manish Grover met the man and assured him that his pension would be restored immediately.

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