“After eating, shower right away? No!” 5 prohibited behaviors after eating

What are some things to avoid right after eating? [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

It is very important to have the right eating habits for good health. It is helpful to think about what, when, and how much to eat, and to be mindful when eating. However, we often unconsciously engage in actions that are not conducive to digestion. What are some things to avoid right after eating? It was introduced in the English daily newspaper ‘The Indian Express’.

1. shower

After eating, blood collects around the stomach to aid digestion. However, when you take a bath, your body temperature changes, and the blood collected around the stomach moves to the skin to restore the original body temperature. This makes digestion difficult and slows down. It is usually desirable to take a shower or bath 40 minutes after eating.

2. Vigorous exercise or bending forward

Exercising immediately after a meal can interfere with the digestive process. It can cause nausea or stomach pain, and can cause vomiting and acid reflux. Bending forward can also cause acid reflux.

3. Sleep or take a nap

After eating, the body becomes drowsy and the urge to lie down arises. However, lying down right after eating can raise digestive juices and cause severe heartburn.

4. Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water right after a meal slows down the digestive process. Drinking too much water dilutes stomach acid and makes digestion difficult.

5. Fruit, tea and coffee

If you eat fruit right after a meal, the nutrients from the fruit may not be absorbed well. In addition, phenolic compounds in tea and coffee interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients, such as iron.

On the other hand, moving after a meal helps digestion. However, as mentioned above, strenuous activities should be avoided. Drinking half a glass of warm water can also help break down and digest food, experts say.

Reporter Jeong Hee-eun

[email protected]

” ⓒ ‘Honest Knowledge for Health’ Comedy.com (https://kormedi.com) / Unauthorized reproduction-redistribution prohibited”

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