Alarming Incident at Guillemins: Lady Assaulted and Handbag Stolen – Full Details and Surveillance Footage

2023-08-20 09:00:00

This Saturday, a lady filed a complaint for acts of touching at Guillemins. She was at the terminal where she was buying a ticket when a man stood behind her. He then touched her in the back through her skirt.

She turned around and yelled at the suspect. The scene is confirmed by the station’s surveillance cameras. We see the lady turn around, scream, and the individual flee.

By analyzing the images, it turns out that he had already committed, some time earlier, a theft of a lady’s handbag in the escalators of the station. He was born in 89, is an illegal resident and must be referred this Sunday to the Liège prosecutor’s office.

#man #steals #handbag #touches #woman #Guillemins #station #Liège

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