All about Marta Lozano’s ‘full body’ training

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Borja B. LeavesGetty Images

    We know firsthand that going back to the gym is always harder after the summer holidays. We tend to lengthen that return to the life fitness anyway, many times for intuiting that low form with which we will return to the exercises, but it is only a matter of a couple of weeks and a few routines full body so that the body wakes up completely ready to welcome all those habits again.

    This is Marta Lozano’s ‘full body’ training

    Marta Lozano has returned to gym willing to give everything, that’s why she has started with a full body routine, in which not a muscle has been left untrained. The influencer has shared in stories from Instagram one by from quite demanding exercises with whom he inaugurates an authentic training full body and immediately we have taken note to be able to include some of them in our routine.

    The arm exercise with kettlebell weights to strengthen the area, combined with toning the lower body, is undoubtedly essential for a routine full body. Plus, we love it because it’s a super complete exercise that we can put to the test from home, it is enough to get a similar weight and be clear about the objectives.

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    Another of the exercises that could not be missing in the routine full body of Martha Lozano is the bulgarian squat with a jump, with which not only does your balance notably improve, as it is a unilateral exercise, but also the strength of your leg and core. This exercise has been followed by another to define the abdomen: the famous iron, and it is that few exercises help to mark the area as much as this one, in addition to not requiring any accessory to be carried out beyond our food they yoga.

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