America adrift

One step back, one step to the right; American society is engaged in a bewildering dance, and, for now, the Supreme Court is leading the way. However, the rider will soon change; it might swing even harder!

It’s always like this, the end of June brings its share of decisions from the highest court in the United States. There are years that are calmer than others, but this time, in about ten days, SCOTUS – as it is called in Washington (Supreme Court Of The United States) – has pulled the country towards a conservatism that shock on our side of the border.

A quick count is indeed disconcerting: the cancellation of the right to abortion, the approval of prayer in public schools, the expansion of the right to bear arms, and finally, the restriction of the powers of the Agency. environmental protection.


For a political life believed to be center left with a presidency, a House of Representatives and a Senate led by Democrats, the turn is abrupt. And we do not yet see the end of the curve.

The famous mid-term elections will be held in four months, almost to the day. It’s increasingly clear that Democrats are headed for a solid thaw. The party installed in the White House has never had it easy. This year, the sea is even rougher and there are more pitfalls.

Joe Biden’s approval rating right now is worse than Donald Trump’s at this time in his presidency. Must do it! Galloping inflation, the draconian measures of the FED, the central bank, to curb it, and the nervousness of the stock markets create a pre-recessionary atmosphere which gives little desire to the undecided to keep the Democrats in power.


With a two-party system, unless you abstain, when you don’t vote Democrat, you support the Republicans. Except that the Grand Old Party has sold its soul to Donald Trump, and, more sadly, to his debunked claims of voter fraud that robbed him of victory in the 2020 presidential election.


Suddenly, the Republicans are engaged in a doubly perverse dynamic: the primaries to choose the candidates crown aspirants who live in the alternative reality of the ex-president; at the same time, potential rational and moderate applicants stand aside, leaving more room for pro-Trump fanatics.

If the Supreme Court’s decisions have troubled you, you’ll be in for a shock in the November election. Republican candidates are calling for even less gun control, less action on climate change and even more restrictions on women who want abortions.

Positions so extreme in some cases that Democrats have encouraged their supporters to support these Republican contenders, hoping that in November voters will be disgusted by such bigotry and side with the Democrats.

A risky bet. If the math doesn’t work, the Congress that President Biden faces will be even more radical and even less interested in compromise. A bet that has already been lost: in 2016, several Democrats were delighted at the idea of ​​seeing Trump represent the Republican Party: who was going to vote for such a man? We know the rest.

Confusing Republican Candidates


Candidate, governor of arizona

  • A conspirator, she promises a vast investigation into the results of the 2020 presidential election in her state. Several surveys have already confirmed Joe Biden’s victory.
  • She is backed by Donald Trump, whom she has described as “practically perfect”.


Candidate, Governor of Illinois

  • Supporter of different conspiracy theories, including that COVID-19 was just a bad flu and that vaccines are responsible for the deaths.


Candidate, governor of pennsylvania

  • He chartered buses for Washington on January 6, 2021 and walked through the police barriers protecting the Capitol himself.
  • Fiercely anti-abortion, he is supported by Trump who, according to him, won the presidential election in Pennsylvania, which has been denied several times.

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