An Egyptian puts poison on her husband, then burns his body in the bedroom

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A horrific crime shook the communication sites in Egypt, as a woman ended her husband’s life, after setting fire to the bedroom after pouring gasoline in the room and on his body while he was sleeping.

In the details, preliminary information stated that a woman in the village of Al-Masaf, affiliated with the Deyarb Negm Police Station in Al-Sharqiya Governorate, poured gasoline on her husband’s body while he was sleeping, and closed the door of the room after setting the fire, which claimed his life, according to Egyptian news websites.

It also reported that the wife put poison in her husband’s food before pouring 6 petrol bottles on his body and setting him on fire.

The fire caused the collapse of one of the walls of the room, while the accused wife was arrested, and by confronting her, she admitted to committing the incident.

Investigations revealed that severe disputes arose between the husband, who was called “Muhammad K.” 30 years old, and his wife, after her last, put a toxic substance in a drink and served it to him, and after she was sure of his death, she poured 6 bottles of gasoline on him and set him on fire until his body was completely charred.

Confronting the accused, she confessed to committing the crime due to the aggravation of the differences between her and her husband and his intentional insult to her. She also admitted that she had planned to kill him with poison and burning.

The Public Prosecution office, which took over the investigation, was notified and decided to assign the security services to uncover the circumstances of the accident.

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