Ancestral Healing Ceremonies in Santa Ana, Bayunca, and Pontezuela: Unlocking Wellness through Traditional Medicine

2023-07-17 01:03:50

The territories of Santa Ana, Bayunca and Pontezuela were the first to receive healing through harmonization ceremonies led by ancestral knowers.

Cartagena de Indias DT and C; July 14, 2023. 600 people from the Community Councils of Santa Ana, Bayunca and Pontezuela have already been treated with Ancestral and Traditional Medicine (MAT) in Cartagena, through the days of health promotion and disease prevention framed in the agreement between the Social Emergency Plan – Pedro Romero, and the Zenú de Membrillal Indigenous Council – CAIZEM.

After concluding the scheduling stage, the healing days began, which were developed under the modality of spiritual harmonization ceremonies with Mother Earth, and were guided by indigenous wise men, who used incense, fire, oils with plant extracts and tobacco to carry out this traditional ritual of the indigenous peoples.

“Harmonization is a spiritual process that helps us to cleanse, to have peace of mind in mental health, balance between our being and mother nature; it is, in itself, the thought of healing and recovery of our identity with all these dance spaces”, explained the ancestral doctor, Leovigildo Castillo.

This space between indigenous experts and the Afro community was of great importance, because it was a scenario for the inclusion of knowledge and cultures of each people, as indicated by Edgardo Pacheco from Sant’Anna.

“The ceremony met all expectations, because for the first time in the community we had an exchange of ancestry, between indigenous and Afro-descendants. The only thing the black community previously knew of as ancestral medicine were medicinal plants, which we used to cure diseases, but on this journey we learned much more”, he said.

According to Ronald Benavides, leader of the PES-Pedro Romero Health program, the agreement is advancing at a good pace, taking into account that, of the 1,000 people scheduled, 400 of the Community Councils of Vereda Púa II and Arroyo remain to be harmonized. Big.

Comprehensive health through the MAT

This joint effort between the District and CAIZEM, which has been working hard in the Salvemos Juntos a Cartagena government, aims to safeguard the ancestral heritage through appropriation strategies for the care of the Afro-descendant and indigenous population in ancestral medicine.

In this sense, once the harmonization ceremonies have been completed, the II Regional Meeting of Ancestralities will be held, which will allow representatives of the indigenous, Afro-descendant, Palenquera and peasant communities of the city and the Caribbean region to exchange experiences and knowledge that promote integral health in communities from the knowledge of ancestral medicine.

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