Apple details privacy concerns involving Vision Pro

2024-02-13 19:00:00

In a new (and big) document [PDF] over the Apple Vision ProMaçã shared details related to privacy of the device. The company highlighted measures it already adopts on other devices, as well as the new features it has implemented given the differences between the headset and a smartphone or a computer, for example.

Although an iPhone also has cameras — much less than the Vision Pro, it’s true — they are only activated when the user needs them to perform a task. The headset, in turn, requires them to be turned on at all times during use, which raises some important questions about privacy.

With this, Vision Pro ends up capturing detailed information about users’ personal lives, such as items on the table or even people around them. According to Apple, such data is highly protected using a combination of the camera and LiDAR sensor to map the area and save everything on the device itself.

Processing the data in the Vision Pro itself first is practically a rule. According to the company, this is done “whenever possible”, avoiding sharing data with other developers or the company itself as much as possible — a rule that is already followed on its other devices.

Even gaze direction, which is used to direct user navigation, is not sent to apps. According to Apple, knowing where the user is looking and how long they are looking can reveal their “thought process” and, consequently, compromise their privacy.

This is possible because the direction of gaze is not actually used to select the elements — a task that is done through hand gestures. This way, applications only effectively know what you select, but not where you look or consider selecting, but give up.

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via 9to5Mac

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