Argentina Acquires F-16 Fighting Falcons from Denmark: A Game-Changer for National Defense

2024-04-16 22:37:00
Thus without the planes that Argentina acquired in Denmark

Argentina had not renewed its combat aircraft since the French Mirages, which played an important role during the Malvinas War, were fired in November 2017 in an event at the VI Air Brigade of Tandil following 43 years of service. In 2015 they had been deprogrammed and for 9 years no purchase was made to replace them. Until finally this Tuesday the purchase of 24 F 16 Fighting Falcon units was signed in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, of which 16 are single-seat (AM) and 8 are two-seat (BM) that will serve as a reinforcement of the defense system. air in our country.

The F-16 system acquired from the Danes includes single-seat units, two-seat units for advanced pilot training, weapons and support equipment. This aircraft of North American origin has characteristics of a multipurpose aircraft with functions of air-to-air and air-to-ground combat. The agreement includes the delivery of four flight simulators, eight engines and spare parts for the aircraft will be guaranteed for five years. In addition, the contract provides for the training of pilots and mechanics who will work on this weapons system.

The F-16 system acquired from the Danes includes single-seat units, two-seat units for advanced pilot training, weapons and support equipment

They excel in an aerial combat role and for maneuverability and combat radius (the distance they can fly to engage in aerial combat, stay, fight, and return). In these aspects they surpass those of all potential threat combat aircraft, as stated on the US Air Force website.

F-16s can locate targets in all weather conditions and detect low-flying aircraft on terrain radar. They are capable of flying over 500 miles (804,672 kilometers), launching their weapons with superior accuracy, defending once morest enemy aircraft and returning to their starting point, launching their weapons with superior accuracy, defending once morest enemy aircraft and returning to their starting point. of departure.

They are 14.8 meters long, 9.8 meters wide and 4.80 meters high. Without frames in the cockpits they allow excellent visibility for the pilots. Each one weighs 8,936 kilograms and according to a presentation video made on the social network Instagram by two vice commodores of the Argentine Air Force, “the size of the aircraft and the characteristics are striking. They are accompanied by an infrared and optical designation pot, which is one of the main sensors along with the radar.”

They have two 370-gallon fuel tanks, and one 300-gallon fuel tank, and that gives them more than two and a half hours of autonomy in combat. They were manufactured by Lockheed Martín and reach a speed of 2500 kilometers per hour. The fuselage is made of easy-to-maintain materials with aluminum, steel and titanium alloys.

They are 14.8 meters long, 9.8 meters wide and 4.80 meters high.

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Although they were purchased by the Danish Air Force almost four decades ago, all the aircraft underwent a reconditioning and renovation process that makes them have state-of-the-art technology.

Two characteristics that the Argentine military highlights lie in their carrying capacity. “To be a true multi-role it must have the ability to carry different weapons. To have survivability, it has incorporated pylons with missile detectors and radar jammers,” Vice Commodore Giaccaglia details in the video. “It allows you to retain your weapons and increase your survivability,” he adds.

The F 16 features an all-weather capability that allows it to deliver munitions with precision during non-visual bombing conditions. When designing them, advanced aerospace science and proven reliable systems from other aircraft such as the F-15 and F-111 were selected. These were combined to simplify the aircraft and reduce its size, purchase price, maintenance costs and weight. The light weight of the fuselage is achieved without reducing its strength. With a full load of internal fuel, the F-16 can withstand up to nine G’s (nine times the force of gravity), which exceeds the capability of other current fighter aircraft.

Javier Milei Luis Petri speak during the F-16 aircraft delivery ceremony that took place in Denmark

Since the Danish F-16 aircraft entered service in 1980, they have undergone a series of modernizations, including reinforcement of the structure, installation of new sensors, cockpit layout, satellite navigation system, new electronic self-protection and identification of other aircraft and the integration of precision weapons. The modifications guarantee the operational efficiency of the aircraft. Denmark is already in the process of replacing the 60 aircraft of this type it has with those of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter model, also produced in the United States.

The first four two-seater and two single-seater F16s would arrive in Argentina in 2025 according to the schedule drawn up between the parties. And three years later, in 2028, the entire fleet would be available.

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