ASN THR Reaches IDR 27.33 Trillion, Nearly 100 – 2024-04-11 09:17:31

A number of Government Employees with Employment Agreements (PPPK) and State Civil Apparatus (ASN) attended the inauguration (Antara)

THE GOVERNMENT continues to pay religious holiday allowances (THR) for State Civil Servants (ASN), Polri, TNI, and retirees from all three. The realization of THR payments has approached 100% as of Friday (5/4).

Head of the Communication and Information Services Bureau of the Ministry of Finance, Deni Surjantoro, said that until the last day of service at the State Treasury Services Office (KPPN) before holidays and collective leave, the State Treasurer had paid THR worth IDR 27.33 trillion.

This amount comes from the realization of THR for central ASN, Polri and TNI amounting to IDR 15.90 trillion. THR was paid to 2,130,870 employees/personnel.

“Overall, the number of work units that have been paid is 13,206 (99.97%) from 13,210 work units. Meanwhile, the number of K/Ls that have applied for THR is 84 K/L (100%) from 84 K/Ls,” said Deni via message. short, Tuesday (9/4).

Apart from providing THR to ASN, Polri and TNI, the government also provides THR to retirees. As of April 5, payments were made to 3,546,555, equivalent to 99.76% of the total pensioners of 3,554,139 retirees. Meanwhile, nilanua reached IDR 11.34 trillion.

“Meanwhile, the amount of THR that has been distributed by the regional government is IDR 13.54 trillion,” concluded Deni.

Also read: Minister of Finance: Disbursement of Eid THR Reaches IDR 11.47 Trillion

It is known that the allocation of THR payment funds for central ASN, including teacher professional allowances and lecturer professional allowances, reached IDR 48.7 trillion. This consists of THR payments for state officials, ASN, TNI, Polri amounting to IDR 18 trillion and retirees amounting to IDR 11.64 trillion.

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Then the THR for regional officials is worth IDR 16.37 trillion, professional allowance for regional ASN teachers IDR 2.3 trillion, and additional income for regional ASN teachers worth IDR 0.04 trillion.

Giving THR refers to Government Regulation 14/2024 concerning Providing Holiday Allowances and Thirteenth Salaries to State Apparatus, Pensioners, Pension Recipients and Benefit Recipients in 2024.

The total value of THR this year has increased, this follows the policy of increasing ASN wages which took effect from January 2024 by 8% and increasing the value of pensions by 12%. Apart from that, the performance allowance component of this year’s THR payment is also given in full, aka 100%.

Providing 100% performance allowance in THR payments was carried out because economic conditions were deemed to have improved and the APBN was deemed healthy enough to do this. (Mir/Z-7)

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