Austria’s Bernhardsthal: Four Rays Found Dead in Lower Austria

Four dead rays were found in Bernhardsthal, Lower Austria, near the Hammelbach, by a walker on Saturday. A “NÖN” report informed that the discovery included one large and three small animals. The state police department of Lower Austria informed that rays are not particularly protected animals and seem to have come from a private aquarium, with no evidence of ownership in the first instance. A captioned image from Canva was featured in a description box.

8.04.2023 17:43

(Akt. 8.04.2023 17:43)

Four dead rays were found in Bernhardsthal (Mistelbach district) on Saturday. According to a “NÖN” report, they were discovered by a walker next to the Hammelbach.

The rays are one large and three small animals. As the state police department of Lower Austria stated, the rays are not particularly protected animals. Apparently they come from a private aquarium. There was initially no evidence of an owner.

In conclusion, the discovery of four dead rays in Bernhardsthal is a concerning revelation. While they may not be protected animals, it is still important to properly care for any aquatic pets to ensure their well-being. The fact that these rays may have come from a private aquarium raises questions about responsible ownership and the proper disposal of aquatic animals. It is our responsibility as humans to be mindful of our impact on the environment and to treat all living creatures with respect and care.

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