Barn in Urswil LU is in full fire – 120 firefighters are deployed

120 firefighters on duty

Barn in Urswil LU is on fire

A fire broke out in a barn in the Lucerne community of Urswil on Sunday. Around 120 firefighters are now deployed to put out the fire. There is currently no information about injuries.

A barn burned in Urswil LU on Sunday. The local fire brigade soon arrived at the scene. “When we got here, there was a barn in full fire,” explains head of operations Christian Gretener to “BRK News”.

According to the chief of operations, the first priority was to protect the surrounding buildings from the fire. “We were also successful in doing that,” says Gretener. Around 120 firefighters are now on duty during the ongoing operation. In addition to the local fire brigade, three other fire brigades from surrounding communities are involved in the extinguishing work. This will probably last until the next morning. (obf)

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