War in Ukraine – Cantons offer Ukrainians less than half of the “minimum subsistence”


Ukrainian refugees receive significantly less than other asylum seekers. Even hardliners on asylum are asking for more financial support.

In some cantons, Ukrainian families receive half of the subsistence minimum as defined by the Swiss Conference of Social Action Institutions.


Although the Ukrainians were warmly welcomed in Switzerland, they quickly felt the harsh reality of the asylum system. They will have to make do with financial aid which, in some cantons, is less than half of the subsistence minimum set by the Swiss Conference of Social Action Institutions. This is shown by an analysis of the “SonntagsZeitung”.

Ukrainians obtain protection status S in Switzerland without a lengthy asylum procedure. The downside: they are entitled to significantly less financial assistance than ordinary refugees. The cantons can largely decide for themselves how much they give them to live on. For example in Aargau, a Ukrainian mother with two children receives 865 francs per month for basic needs. This must be enough for food, hygiene, public transport and clothing for three people. Assuming that the family needs 120 francs per month for toiletries, public transport and clothing, there remains 745 francs for food. It’s a little less than 8 francs per person per day, or in other words: 2.65 francs for a main meal. If the Ukrainians were recognized as ordinary refugees, a family of three would receive more than double the money, that is to say 1,800 francs.

Politicians of all persuasions criticize this unequal treatment. Even a hard-liner on asylum such as National Councilor Andreas Glarner (UDC/AG) finds the financial support for Ukrainian refugees “skinny”. “If it now appears that the amount for the basic needs of Ukrainians is too low, we must increase it. I’m the first to ask. Because they are real refugees. I have always said that with real refugees, you have to make sure that they are treated well.”


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