Battling Through Pokémon Diamond/Bright Pearl with Only One Pot: Darkdragon1231989’s Amazing Feat

2023-07-29 12:08:07
2023-07-29 20:08 Game Corner KYLAT Picture / Pokémon A highly skilled “Pokémon” player recently successfully launched the fourth-generation remake “Pokémon Crystal Diamond / Bright Pearl” in 2021 Only one “pot pot” was used to pass the entire game, which once again proved how flexible this game is in terms of tactics and team composition. In the “Pokémon” series, not every Pokémon is suitable for fighting on the scene, and Pot Pot will not be a team composition for most “Pokémon Diamond/Bright Pearl” players first choice. Even though this Pokémon has excellent stats in terms of defense and special defense, other stats, whether it is health, attack, special attack or speed, are quite miserable. Considering the difficulty and strategic nature of “Pokémon Diamond/Bright Pearl”, using Pot Pot is indeed a rather risky decision. Even with many obstacles, a “Pokémon” player named Darkdragon1231989 still managed to get through the entire “Pokémon Diamond/Bright Pearl” with only one pot. According to this player, he has actually used the same method to clear the level twice. In the first challenge, he obtained this Pokémon through exchange after breaking through the first gym, but in the second recent attempt, he used the pot at the very beginning and fought all the way. to customs clearance. Figure / Reddit@darkdragon1231989 In addition, Darkdragon1231989 also shared his battle strategy with players on the Reddit forum. In most cases, he will use the two skills of “Rolling” and “Equal Power” to deal enough damage to the enemy, and at the same time improve the defense through the skill of “Rounding”. At the end of the game, this player also taught Hu Hu the skills of “stand-in” and “acupuncture”. Most of the players who leave a message below are quite admirable for the skills shown by Darkdragon1231989, and many people think that it is a very funny choice to get through the entire game with only pots and pots. A player named Paco-ramon responded that Pokémon with a combination of rock and bug attributes usually have extremely high attacks, but Kettle Kettle is the complete opposite. Interestingly, Darkdragon1231989 is not the only player who recently managed to complete a difficult challenge in Pokémon Diamond / Bright Pearl. About a few months ago, a player named SouthWhell successfully used a team of six initial-stage Pokémon consisting of Bogaman, Yuanlu Shark, Kitty Monster, Lalu Lasi, Riolu, and Deruby. The formed team defeated the Four Heavenly Kings. Although they are not the most powerful Pokémon in the game until the final stage of evolution, this player still managed to complete this challenge at level 70 by relying on coordination and coordination. In contrast, it still seems to be a more impressive feat to pass the entire game with only one jug.Pokémon Remastered Reddit Featured Articles
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