“Zelensky is leading Ukraine to disaster”

Lapsa blamed President Vladimir Zelensky for Ukraine’s problems.

“Unfortunately, the reality is that Zelensky is leading Ukraine towards disaster, and disaster is just around the corner.

All that we will see in the coming months will be an object lesson for one small, dying nation near the Baltic Sea – what happens when you cowardly and carelessly allow your country and your land to be ruled by an incompetent and completely corrupt government, instead of driving them out with any means. Any,” he wrote in his microblog “X”.

In the comments, he answered a number of questions, continuing his thought.

“If the government is neither decisive, nor far-sighted, nor wise, nor honest, then this is exactly what happens,” he wrote, responding to a comment from another user who pointed out that Zelensky’s fault was only that he hoped too much on the allies.

The publicist called Zelensky himself “a Ukrainian Stakis, who looks and speaks well, but…”

“Everything is slowly sliding in one direction – and then it will fall down like an avalanche,” he continued with his gloomy forecast. #Zelensky #leading #Ukraine #disaster
2024-04-06 12:05:35

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