Beating the Afternoon Crash: Tips and What to Eat for Breakfast and Lunch

2023-06-19 12:28:09

At 11 a.m., at 3 p.m., following a meal, sport, during digestion… The “bar” is almost inevitable. Here are our tips and what to eat for breakfast and lunch to combat it.


It’s at 3 p.m. you have trouble concentrating, you start to dive? Or is it only 11am? We all know it, the famous “stroke” or “stroke” that occurs following a meal, in the morning or in the middle of the followingnoon. It is actually adrowsiness induced by digestion : insulin secreted by the pancreas during digestion causes an increase in serotonin, a neurotransmitter that produces melatonin, the sleep hormone, which promotes falling asleep. If this phenomenon is completely normal, it is not to be neglected if drowsiness occurs at unexplained times.

What to eat for breakfast to avoid the rush in the morning?

It is better to have a savory breakfast to avoid the spike in blood sugar that can cause postprandial hyperglycemiai.e. a sudden rise in blood sugar followed by hypoglycemia“, immediately recommends Raphaël Gruman, dietician-nutritionist. The “roller coaster” in terms of blood sugar causes major fatigue during the day.

Examples of anti-bust breakfast:

► 2 slices of wholemeal bread and 2 eggs, 1 fresh fruit

► 2 slices of wholemeal bread and a portion of cheese, 1 fresh fruit

► A dairy with a handful of oilseeds (almonds), 1 fresh fruit

The stroke that occurs following the meal is called “the post-prandial sleepiness”. To avoid this, it is best to do not consume too much starch like pasta. “It is quite possible to eat it, but ideally as an accompaniment in combination with a protein (meat, fish, egg, tofu…) and vegetables. A piece of fruit at the end of the meal also provides the ideal portion of carbohydrates and vitamins to stay active in the followingnoon“, recommends our expert. Finally, avoid alcohol as much as possible during the meal because it has a “depressive effect” on the central nervous system, causes a feeling of relaxation and promotes (at a moderate dose) falling asleep.

I advise all my patients to take the time to a break, getting up from your desk, walking and hydrating (especially in case of strong heat) because fatigue can also come fromdehydration“, explains our interlocutor. It is also advisable to take a snack in the followingnoon as a handful of almonds, the ideal snack to provide vegetable proteins, fibers, good fats, magnesium. “This combination of nutrients and micro-nutrients allows you to reboost without causing hyperglycemia“, he argues. In addition, satiety is prolonged thanks to fiber and protein. The magnesium contained in almonds helps to fight once morest fatigue. If despite all these tips, the crash is inevitable, done a nap of 15-20 minutes (no more !).

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Remember to rehydrate following exercisefor example by drinking carbonated water rich in sodium bicarbonate (Vichy Saint-Yorre, Célestins, Salvetat, Quézac, Rozana), in which you can add a teaspoon of sugar.

Eat a square or two of dark chocolate (at least 70%) because cocoa contains theobromine, a substance that stimulates neurons and increases alertness.

Avoid the big pasta plaster or the white bread sandwichrich in carbohydrates, which promote sleep

Should I take food supplements once morest the stroke?

If, despite a balanced diet, fatigue is felt with pump strokes during the day, yes, it is possible to supplement with certain food supplements, such as magnesiumbut also vitamin D“, replies Raphaël Gruman. Indeed, a vitamin D deficiency notably causes a state of fatigue. Vitamin C also allows you to reboost. “In women, iron can be lacking, especially during menstruation (rules). It may be necessary to take a supplement, but it is best to realize a blood test beforehand to assess the level of deficiencyhe concludes.

Should you drink coffee to avoid a crash?

Reputed to give a real “boost” in case of fatigue, coffee would not necessarily be the best idea to fight once morest the bar strokes. Its “boosting” effects are proven, but they are very short-lived. Also, coffee is diuretic and can cause dehydration : during this phase, the amount of fluid in the blood is actually lower, which forces the body to adapt – and therefore to tire “more” – in order to continue functioning normally. Rather prefer a cup of liquorice infusion (following your meal or around 3 p.m. for example), which promotes the secretion of cortisol, a hormone that keeps you awake. (be careful, the use of liquorice is contraindicated in case of arterial hypertension, renal insufficiency, lack of potassium in the body, during pregnancy…).

Thanks to Raphaël Gruman, dietitian-nutritionist.

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