Beware of Scammers: Fake Bobbejaanland Tickets for €1.95 Circulating on Social Networks

2023-09-22 09:33:00

On social networks, an advert claiming that the Belgian amusement park Bobbejaanland offers tickets for €1.95 is circulating. But can we trust it? Leen Theunissen, a Belgian, explains to our colleagues at Belang van Limburg that when she opened Facebook a few days ago, she came across this ad regarding the 70th anniversary of the park. “If we clicked on it, we were redirected to a beautiful page which said that they were going to celebrate the anniversary in a big way,” she testifies. In total, “there were 800 tickets offered at 1.95 euros,” she adds.

Thinking “it was too good to be true,” Leen didn’t believe it. “Normally, I don’t pay attention to this kind of thing,” she explains. But reading the comments, she realizes that “people received their tickets”. “If you wanted to know more regarding the promotion, you had to click on ‘more information’. I did so and was redirected to my banking app. I paid 1.95 euros,” continues Leen.

After paying, the Belgian explains having received confirmation from Getcheaprize. “An account had been created at ‘Cuisine Voyager’. Eh ? I looked at the ‘Cuisine Voyager’ website and saw some recipes there. It’s a Polish site which has nothing to do with Bobbejaanland,” explains Leen, who hastened to read the general conditions of sale. “I had three days to cancel my purchase. I did it immediately. I then received an email telling me that they had no information on me,” she says.

“I want to warn once morest these scammers”

Leen thought she had reacted in time, but she recently received an email mentioning a monthly subscription. “They declare that the trial period is over and that a monthly subscription of 65.85 euros will be taken from my account from now on,” explains the Belgian. “I want to warn others regarding these scammers,” Leen continues.

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Obviously, Bobbejaanland had nothing to do with the announcement. The park having opened its doors for the first time in 1961, it is not yet 70 years old, but 62. “Anyone who sees this advertisement is invited to report it to Facebook and not to do anything more with it,” reacts the park.

For its part, the FPS Economy assures that Leen has no obligation to pay for this subscription: “If you have the impression of buying tickets for Bobbejaanland, but that you are in reality taking out a subscription to Cuisine Voyager, you are not bound by this contract. It may even be a case of fraud or a forced purchase, which invalidates the contract.” “As a buyer, you have a right of withdrawal of 14 calendar days when you conclude a contract online. If the seller does not inform you, you even have 12 months to exercise this right,” adds the SPF.

#careful #Belgians #fooled #photo

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