Biden will sanction governments for arbitrarily detaining Americans

Biden will sanction governments that detain Americans

President Joe Biden opened the way on Tuesday to sanction governments that arbitrarily detain Americans to be used as currency and considers that in Venezuela the risk is high.

Biden signed an executive order to return Americans kidnapped or arbitrarily detained abroad to their country. He implies better support for their families and authorizes imposing financial sanctions on those who are implicated.

This involves, for example, members of the government sharing relevant information, including intelligence data, with families about how your loved one is and the efforts to secure their release or return, something I could already do today.

“Strategic” use of sanctions

The decree also authorizes the agencies to impose financial sanctions on those who are directly or indirectly involved in such cases.

“Sanctions can’t always help secure someone’s release, so we will be sensible and strategic in the use”a US official told reporters on condition of anonymity.

“But the families of those who are detained are the ones who know the cases of their loved ones best. And we intend to pay attention to them, to listen to their good ideas and recommendations,” he added.

a new indicator

“When Americans are detained abroad, we must do everything in our power to secure their release,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement. communiqué.

Washington has also introduced a new indicator, called “D,” for countries at high risk of governments detaining Americans. And it has begun to point the accusing finger at six: Venezuela, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and Burma.

In Venezuela, governed by Nicolás Maduro and currently under sanctions, there is evidence of 11 Americans arrested.

Maduro accuses the United States of wanting to attack basic facilities and overthrow his regime. Washington does not recognize the ruling party for considering his “re-election” in 2018 fraudulent and on the contrary considers opposition leader Juan Guaidó interim president.

The detainees in Venezuela

Venezuela arrested the Cuban-American in 2021 Jorge Alberto Fernandez but released him in March 2022 after a meeting between US and Venezuelan officials in Caracas.

Luke Alexander Denman y Airan Berry, two Americans accused of participating in a maritime invasion of Venezuela were convicted in 2020. And a former Marine, Matthew Heath, He was prosecuted for “terrorism”.

There is also five former directors of the oil company Citgo, accused of corruption. A sixth was released in March. And a few days ago the State Department confirmed that Venezuela detained three other Americans, without revealing their identities.

Indicator “D” is added to “K”, which already covers the risk of kidnapping and hostage-taking by non-state actors. In addition, the State Department regularly issues travel advisories on destinations that carry danger for safety, health or other considerations.

Complaints from relatives against Biden

The signing of the presidential decree comes after the extensive media coverage of the arrest in Russia of the basketball player Brittney Griner, accused of drug trafficking. Her wife accused Biden of not doing enough for her. The family of the ex-marine imprisoned in Venezuela complained of the same.

Successive US administrations have made the situation of prisoners and hostages a priority.

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