biosafety recommendations and care against infections

Regardless of whether a country is affected or not, when an alert is presented due to the passage of such atmospheric phenomena, it is important that citizens are educated on how to take care of infections.

Doctors Lemuel Martínez and Víctor Ramos spoke about the possible illnesses that can occur due to a natural disaster such as Storm Fiona. Photomontage: Journal of Medicine and Public Health.

Currently, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic have been declared in a state of emergency due to the possible arrival of Hurricane Fiona, by the United States National Hurricane Center. Against this background, the magazine Medicine and Public Health (MSP) consulted Dr. Lemuel Martínez, President of the Puerto Rico Infectious Diseases Society, who presented his perspective as an expert in bacterial and respiratory infections, taking into account that deaths from bacterial disease (specifically leptospirosis) are shot in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria in 2017.

“The first thing is to take care of the food. If the electrical system is interrupted, refrigerated food is the first to be affected. And this includes eating establishments. It is common for gastroenteritis cases to increase, then power failures, even without storms,” explained the specialist, who is also Director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Doctors Center Hospital in Manatí.

The doctor also pointed out that the increase in bacterial and respiratory fungal infections of the skin is common due to the increase in humidity. The problem with these conditions is that they crack the skin, allowing bacteria to enter deeper into the skin, causing infections. This is of particular importance in bedridden patients and diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathies.

“If they go to shelters, keep in mind that there are several respiratory infections to which we can be exposed. While we are aware that the influenza virus can spread easily in these settings, there are also similar respiratory bacteria such as Mycoplasma that present with similar symptoms. Try to maintain good hand hygiene, both with water and with dry cleaning products. It is important to cover your mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing. Today, masks that protect against aerosolized droplets are also accessible,” said Dr. Martínez.

How to prevent leptospirosis, one of the most common bacterial and respiratory infection diseases after storms

This is one of the most feared conditions after storms. It is difficult to avoid it if people are not prepared. In general, this bacterium survives in moist soil for weeks, and during floods these contaminated waters invade other land.

“Many people try to protect themselves by wearing rubber boots, but they don’t protect their hands. Wear all protective equipment if you must be exposed to these environments. The main symptoms of leptospirosis are fever and muscle aches in the large muscles (legs, calves). In severe cases, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) and renal impairment associated with low platelets may develop. In these cases, immediate medical attention is required, preferably in hospitals that are prepared with sub-specialists,” the doctor assured.

General recommendations of prevention

Dr. Martínez says that a method of prevention The main thing during this time is to avoid mosquito bites. Repellents should preferably contain DEET and high percentages (25-30%). To obtain products with a lower percentage, it must be applied several times a day according to the manufacturer’s specifications. This will not only prevent infection against Dengue, but also against Chikungunya and Zika, since they are transmitted by the same mosquito.

In addition, he stressed the importance of vaccination, presenting a description of the essential vaccines against a tropical storm scenario, these are: Tetanus vaccine, Hepatitis, Pneumococcus and Shingles.

“Although it is true to emphasize the importance of preventing infections in times of natural phenomena, we must also emphasize that it is a priority to take care of all our health conditions. Remember to have your medications available in case you have to evacuate your home. Make sure you have enough supplies for several weeks. Insulin-dependent diabetics should have these medicines refrigerated and identify neighbors or places where they can refrigerate them if they do not have refrigeration methods,” concluded Dr. Martínez.

People in shelters must exercise extreme self-care to avoid contagion of viruses and infections

At this moment there are 345 enabled shelters on the Island. The recommendations of Dr. Víctor Ramos, past president of the College of Surgeons and who would have attended other calamities such as Hurricane María, are as follows:

-Try to avoid crowds. It must be taken into account that the shelters Now they must have spaces to also cover pets, therefore, there may be more crowding factors.

-Patients who require specific medications must take them with them.

-Those who need insulin should try to stay in a shelter that has an electrical system that allows them to store insulin. Otherwise, it is better to go to a health center that allows you to take control.

-The supply of drinking water is of vital importance.

In addition, the doctor, in an interview for the Magazine of Medicine and Public Health, also expressed that one of the recommendations is to be aware of the others as much as possible. “The island’s health system is prepared to face these tests. However, we know that there are factors such as communication that also play against it. Hopefully, as was done with María, the health system can be attending to all the needs of Puerto Ricans.

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