Blood in the urine (haematuria): what are the causes?

2019-09-17 11:30:00

Each person urinates on average between six and eight times a day. At this rate, it’s pretty easy to notice unusual changes. And when we spot the presence of blood, it can alarm us. However, blood in the urine can be linked to different causes, more or less serious. We take stock.

What disease can cause blood in the urine?

The presence of blood in the urine can be linked to several factors. Focus on the most common.

Urinary tract infection (cystitis) in women

In women, the most common cause of blood in the urine is urinary tract infection, also called cystitis. These infections occur when bacteria enter your body through the urethra and multiply in your bladder. Result: irritation of the bladder, or cystitis, the main symptoms of which are bleeding. UTI can be accompanied by other symptoms as’persistent urge to urinate, pain and burning sensations during urination, as well as foul urine. The opinion of a doctor is essential.

Prostate infection (prostatitis) in men

Prostatitis is a painful inflammation of the prostate (Source 1). It is a common condition that can affect men of any age. It can be caused by an infection or by an inflammation that is not related to an infection, and can lead to presence of blood in the urine or semenbut also a burning sensation or pain when urinating, difficult or painful ejaculation, discharge from the urethra… it is essential to consult a doctor to diagnose and manage prostatitis.

Kidney infection

Kidney infection is a type of urinary tract infection that usually begins in the urethra or bladderet moves into one or both kidneys. The bacteria can irritate the lining of the kidneys and cause bleeding. Symptoms are similar to those of a lower urinary tract infection, with the addition of fever, chills, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

Kidney stones

Minerals in urine can sometimes form crystals on the walls of the kidneys or bladder. Over time, these crystals can turn into small, hard stones. If one of them gets big enough, it can create a blockage in the urinary tract and cause extreme pain. These are kidney stones. They can also irritate the lining of the urinary tract and cause bleeding. See a doctor as soon as possible if you experience severe pain, along with nausea and vomiting, fever, and chills.

Hereditary disorders and cancers

Of the genetic disorders as sickle cell anemia (blood disease) or Alport syndrome (kidney disease), can cause blood to pass into the urine. There is also the possibility of kidney, bladder or prostate cancer. Do not panic, these two options are very rare. But these possibilities underline the importance of an accurate and rapid diagnosis by a healthcare professional.

Hematuria: what are the other possible causes?

Other causes can also explain the presence of blood in the urine.

Why intense exercise can lead to hematuria?

In rare cases, very intense sports training can cause blood loss through urine. Doctors aren’t quite sure what caused this reaction, but they believe it could be associated with dehydrationTo bladder trauma or at breakdown of red blood cells that occurs during aerobic exercise. If in doubt, always see a doctor to make sure it is the cause.

What medicine can cause blood in the urine?

There are medications that increase the risk of having blood in the urine, including anticoagulantsTHE painkillers (ibuprofen), antibiotics (rovamycin or erythromycin), laxatives or even the vitamine B12. Some patients, especially those with a condition that causes bleeding from the bladder, may notice blood in their urine after taking a blood thinner like aspirin. A healthcare professional should still ensure that the blood is not related to another reason.

Namely: the red color of the urine can be due, quite simply, to eating certain colored foods : red cabbage, beets, rhubarb…

Traces of blood in the urine: when should you consult?

Finding out that you have blood in your urine can be surprising and worrying. “It is not necessarily a serious pathologybut this symptom must encourage to consult to determine the cause of the bleeding and treat it”, advises the French Association of Urology (Source 2). Hematuria, whether visible or not, is a warning sign which should lead to a more in-depth assessment.

If in the vast majority of cases, hematuria is due to an infection, as a precaution, “we must always look for a tumor, whether bladder or kidney”, reports the French Association of Urology (Source 3). “Too often still faced with hematuria, some doctors procrastinate and unduly reassure the patient. The diagnostic search will be proportional to the risk factors (smoking, occupational exposure, age, etc.).”

When is it dangerous to have red blood cells in the urine?

If you notice these symptoms, consult quickly, because it is a medical emergency, indicates the French Association of Urology (Source 4):

  • The direct visualization of clots in urine ;
  • A sensation of blockage when passing urine (the urine is “blocked” by the accumulation of clots in the bladder)
  • Of the lower back pain (if clots in the upper excretory tract).

What are the first symptoms of bladder cancer?

Hematuria is the first symptom of bladder cancer. Of the urinary disorders may also appear later: urgent and frequent need to urinate, difficulty urinating. There may also be burning while urinating or pain in the lower abdomen or back.

Attention : “these symptoms are much rarer at the beginning of the disease ; their presence apart from the existence of a urinary tract infection and their persistence must lead to the carrying out of examinations”, indicates the Health Insurance (Source 5).

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