Bradycardia and shock-free Zhongrong: Dual-chamber leadless cardiac rhythm regulators are helpful

A 15-year-old teenager in Taichung City needs to use a cardiac rhythm regulator to prevent shock caused by slow heartbeat. Taichung Rong said today that the patient has recently fainted many times due to the loss of lead function. After using a dual-chamber leadless cardiac rhythm regulator, the heartbeat returned to normal. . At the Taichung Rong General Press Conference, Xie Yuzheng, director of the Department of Cardiac Electrophysiology, said at the meeting that there are currently more than one million patients implanted with permanent cardiac rhythm regulators every year around the world, and about 4,000 cases in Taiwan every year.

Brachycardia without shock Zhongrong: Dual-chamber leadless cardiac rhythm regulator. (Central News Agency) Helpful

With the continuous advancement of technology, Xie Yuzheng pointed out that the size of the cardiac rhythm regulator has gradually decreased, the lifespan of the rhythm device has also been greatly extended, and the quality of the lead has also improved a lot. Various complications or technical difficulties, such as pneumothorax, cardiac perforation, lead slippage, pocket hematoma and infection, tricuspid valve regurgitation, venous occlusion and lead rupture, occurred in about 12%.

Xie Yuzheng said that the 15-year-old patient suffered from complete atrioventricular block from the neonatal period, and a cardiac rhythm regulator was required to prevent shock caused by slow heartbeat; in infancy, due to the consideration of growth needs, the implantation was performed at that time. A conventional heart rhythm regulator with a single-lumen lead placed on the pericardium.

Recently, the patient passed out several times while going to school. Xie Yuzheng said that the test found that the function of the lead was worn out, which caused the failure of the cardiac rhythm regulator, causing the heartbeat to slow down and fainted. Slow down to only 30 beats per minute.

Lin Mingzhi, director of Taichung Rongzong Children’s Medical Center, urgently placed a temporary pacemaker for the patient to stabilize the patient’s vital signs. Xie Yuzheng said that after testing, it was found that the lead of the cardiac rhythm regulator was broken due to insufficient length after the body grew.

Considering that the patient is still young, Xie Yuzheng pointed out that the introduction of the latest dual-chamber leadless cardiac rhythm regulator not only has the benefit of eliminating the need for leads, but also allows the heart to return to normal. The patient has recovered well after the operation.

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