“Brava Documentary: Claudia Conserva’s Alternative Cancer Treatments with Brazilian Monks”

2023-05-19 03:46:51

This Thursday the second part of Bravathe documentary by Claudia Conserva where she shows her fight against cancer and now, the footage showed the details of his operation with Brazilian monksan alternative to which he agreed during his treatment.

The idea arose when a friend from Brazil contacted her to tell her that he had an hour with Brazilian monks, to which Claudia agreed. It should be remembered that these “distance healer” monks, perform alternative therapy through “energy”.

“I thought, I am already undergoing chemotherapy, I have all the prescribed medications, I am exercising. Pucha If I do the thing about the Brazilian monks, Actually the worst that can happen is that nothing happens“Conserva commented in the documentary.

“He told me that the most important thing was to believe in them and have faith, which is also what I did not have“he added. Although she was skeptical at first, she was later convinced to try it and followed all the steps that the so-called “healers” indicated to her.

Preserved in question, told that who would operate it would be Zeferino Falcao, a Portuguese doctor, scientist, popularizer and politician who died in 1919.

“I told my friend”How is a man who died so long ago going to operate on me?‘. Yes, he tells me, it is a matter of faith, he is going to operate on you, ”she related.

This was the operation of the Brazilian monks on Claudia Conserva

For the surgery, Claudia did not have to leave her house, rather she had to adapt it and follow various instructions so that the monks could “visit her spiritually”, according to what she recounts in the documentary.

Some of the requirements that he had to meet were bathing with white flowers, putting a picture of the doctor in the room where the operation would take place, leaving a container with filtered water ready to drink after the procedure.

In addition, he had to “connect” with those close to him at home, who also had to wear white clothes that night and prayed in support. Even her dog “Aslan” accompanied her.

Claudia Conserva’s dog accompanied her during surgery with Brazilian monks

Subsequently, they told him a time in which he had to lie down on his bed and wait. “The first minutes were like many thoughts one after another, plus I felt the silence of this place,” she commented, referring to her house.

I felt a lot of energy and a lot of silence. (…) Something super crazy happened to me, at some point it came to me as a kind of brain short circuit. Like a shake in the head, like half. The operation was 15 minutes, 20 minutes and I panic“, he later revealed.

After the remote operation, he had to continue with some weekly care and treatment, in which he used the same method.

His sister, Francisca Conserva, also spoke about the experience. “I don’t know if it’s a lie or the truth, but one clings to everything. I said the prayers, to Don Zeferino, to everything. With my son we held hands at night to pray, ”he recounted.

Claudia Conserva awaiting operation by Brazilian monks

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