Bronchial disease misunderstood as corona, 5 foods that promote health

Pears, bellflower, ginger, etc. help to keep bronchial health

In addition to the well-known bellflower and pear, onions and sweet pumpkin promote bronchial health and help manage health in the changing seasons. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

As the weather gets colder, changes occur in the body. A dry cough continues in a dry throat, and a clear runny nose shows no sign of stopping. In these days, bronchial diseases are easily misunderstood as COVID-19. Bronchial inflammation can lead to lung disease, so regular management is necessary.

It is good to make it a habit to wear several layers of thin clothes in preparation for a big temperature difference, and to warm your neck with a scarf if you have symptoms such as cough or sore throat. To boost immunity, refrain from drinking and exercise for 30 minutes or more three times a week to build up your stamina. Dryness makes bronchial symptoms worse, so increase your water intake and use a humidifier to maintain proper indoor humidity.

It is also good to eat foods that take care of bronchial health. Let’s find out which of the ingredients readily available around us is good for our bronchial tubes.

◆ Onion

Onion’s quercetin component activates the immune function of the lungs and bronchial tubes, protecting our body from harmful substances and preventing bronchial inflammation. It is rich in soluble dietary fiber, which promotes the discharge of waste products from the body and prevents the accumulation of triglycerides and LDL cholesterol in blood vessels, which is also excellent in preventing cardiovascular diseases. According to a study conducted in Germany, ‘thiosulfinate’, an essential oil component of onions, helps to stop the allergic reaction of bronchial asthma, which is a symptom, and expands the bronchi to facilitate breathing.

◆ Pear

The cool and sweet pear’s luteolin component removes inflammation in the body and relieves cough and phlegm. It is also rich in digestive enzymes such as oxidase and invertase, preventing indigestion during the changing seasons when immunity is low. In addition, organic amino acids enhance liver function to remove toxic substances from the body and improve fatigue. It is good to eat pears even when you have a high fever with a cold. Catechin and albumin lower body temperature, and abundant juices and sugars replenish body fluids to prevent dehydration.

◆ bellflower

Bellflower, which is well known as a bronchial health food along with pears, has an attractive taste. Saponin, which has a bitter taste, protects the bronchial tubes from fine dust and external pollutants and relieves inflammation symptoms. In particular, anthoxanthin is abundant in white vegetables, which promotes the discharge of waste products from the body and improves immunity by increasing resistance to bacteria and viruses. According to a paper published by the Rural Development Administration, if bellflower is heated to 60 degrees Celsius for 2 hours, the saponin content increases 8 times, so it is better to drink it as juice rather than eat it raw.

◆ ginger

Gingerol and shogaol, which have a pungent taste and unique flavor in ginger, raise body temperature, improve blood circulation, and boost immunity. The raffinose component has a bactericidal effect, which prevents the growth of bacteria and helps relieve inflammation symptoms. The University of South Carolina in the United States found that ginger has a low inflammation-inducing index and is effective in reducing inflammation in the body. On the other hand, ginger dilates blood vessels, so people with high blood pressure or hemorrhoids should be careful.

◆ Sweet Pumpkin

Yellow vegetables such as sweet potatoes and sweet pumpkin are rich in beta-carotene, which is absorbed into the body and converted into vitamin A. It improves blood vessel health by removing free radicals in the body, and it also prevents infection by strengthening the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. It also promotes the growth of epithelial cells, alleviating inflammation symptoms and helping to stop coughing and phlegm. However, smokers should be cautious about consuming beta-carotene. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USPSFT) recommends against taking beta-carotene supplements because they increase the risk of lung cancer in smokers.

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