busy! Nong Bas, the hero who helps people who are electrocuted up to the police station Popular page for donations

busy! Nong Bas, the hero who helps people who are electrocuted up to the police station Popular page for donations

At 5:00 p.m. on September 20, 2022, Mr. Krisada Lodidee, or Attorney Nobi, led Mr. Atthachai At-Udom, or Nong Bas, 19, a hero to help students who were electrocuted, and Mrs. Somthawin Muangnasri, 62. Grandmother Radio Female student, M. 3, Satri Rachinuthit School unconscious by electric shock The area behind Satri Rachinuthit School, Sri Chom Chuen Road, Udon Thani, filed a complaint to Pol.Lt. Col. Tan Numcharoen, deputy senator (investigation), Muang Udon Thani police station. accused the page of bringing the incident to donate and bring the money But to post to the page doesn’t match the number

Attorney Nobi said thatOne page of Udon ThaniPost to bring money to Nong Bas. and Nong Radio not true therefore came to report Initially, Nong Bas and family Not allowed to accept donations Which is still wondering how much money to bring to the family And how much is the amount of donations received? Because the past, the current peak with the amount given does not match to take pity to make many people transfer money to be delivered to the families of the victims But when it arrived, it might not be full of tablets. or if there is no demand or protest from FC or brothers and sisters When the victim’s family knows the information therefore coordinate the investigation to report

Mr. Atthachai or Nong Bas said that a person named “Grape” came to see him at the hospital. Said someone transferred the money to me. will be delivered to the hospital by giving as an envelope to everyone Later, he saw on the page that it was given to the children in the amount of 15,000 baht, thinking that it was unlikely to arrive. Because Grandma Nong Radio said that she might only get 1,000 baht, not according to the post. and came to deliver the money in an envelope at home Then borrow 1000 baht to fill up the gas. Then invite you to talk until you forget. When he returned, he took the envelope that was given to him. When Grandma asked for an envelope, she found that it wasn’t there. When she called to ask, she said she forgot it in her bag. Then transfer to a bank account 4,000 baht.

“I didn’t tell him to post a donation. I posted that my phone is broken and it doesn’t work. Then someone called. wishing to hand over the phone directly So I opened a donation account. To transfer to my account. Just 1 hour. Donation is closed. I didn’t say to take it to this person.”

Mrs. Somthawin Muangnasri, 62 years old, Grandma Nong Radio said that when she was in the hospital he came to give the money by taking out 1,000 baht and putting it in a white envelope Then let Nong Bas take a photo for you. There is a clear picture of receiving the envelope. then put the envelope in the bag My daughter saw on the page that she gave 5,000 baht, so she called to tell me if the money on the page and the money in the envelope matched or not. Therefore, he had to dismantle the bag in the envelope with money of 1000 baht. Many nurses saw it. Grandma sincerely swears that this old woman has 1000 baht in the envelope.

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“Grandma asked you not to take sick people in the hospital. I never thought of wanting money with anyone. I don’t think regarding opening an account asking for donations from anyone. We only ask for survival to study. Or become a good person of society, when grandma comes to see the page, makes grandma think that the money on the page and the money in the envelope don’t match. I beg you not to do this, which page, which agency you want to donate. want to help I took it directly If pity and mercy If done in this way, the grandmother and the sick, who are already suffering from illness. take us to eat Grandmother begged Don’t take it as an example. Stop. If you want help, ask directly. But we never opened a donation account.”

Lawyer Nobi also said that the investigation from the Muang Udon Thani sheriff No one came to ask to open the collection and donation. where the facts appear It shows that the group of people such pages. not yet allowed If the behavior is not enough money Not in accordance with the objectives of the donor, there will be problems. Today I will discuss with the investigating officer. how to proceed which will be recorded regularly as evidence that

The family has no intentions or desires for any individual person. Bring such stories to open for donations in any way. and such action will not be related to all victims People’s brothers and sisters who follow the news want to help support. I recommend that you contact the victim’s family directly. It should not be passed by any person. because it may be a gap for scammers Benefit from the illness of the people’s brothers and sisters .

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