Can Artificial Intelligence Help Combat Cyber ​​Attacks?

2023-08-15 20:05:00

Have you ever stopped to think how cyber attacks are getting smarter and more dangerous? While some use powerful tools to apply big blows, some prefer to believe that these tools are great allies in combating this type of attack. In this article, see what a subject matter expert tells us about how to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) with that objective.

Artificial Intelligence and cyber attacks

AI is a technology that can help make our computers and networks stronger against attacks. But there is one detail: this same technology can also be used by “invaders” to do bad things. The specialist Raul Colcherdo IEEEwarns us that AI has good and bad sides.

Colcher explains that the mechanism used in attacks with AI is social engineering, in which “a malicious actor can somehow obtain confidential information from an employee or business partner of the company, which manages to penetrate the perimeter of the organization.” From there they can get all the information they need to access the systems. He warns that this does not always happen overnight.

“These attacks often have long silent periods. So if you don’t have a structured defense, you won’t even know what’s going on. By the time the attack is complete, you already have little to do.”

How AI can protect us

The way to protect yourself is to use the AI ​​on the good side. AI can learn to recognize suspicious patterns and prevent attackers from getting into systems. Nowadays, many attacks are called “ransomware”, where attackers lock our data and ask for money to release it. This is a problem, because even if we pay, we are not sure that everything will go back to normal. Colcher says AI can help prevent this from happening by identifying attacks before they get serious.

“Artificial intelligence can be used to collect this information, showing successful access attempts, and making the algorithm learn to identify possible breaches. cause less damage.”

In addition to this methodology, Colcher warns about “the issue of education and awareness, a fundamental point to avoid falling into scams.

“If you receive a message or e-mail from your bank, the first thing you should do is look at the address and what the domain is. This seems basic, but people often fall for rude scams. Anyone who is aware knows that that is an attack, and simply discards the message, but anyone who is distracted can click and generate a security breach.”

That’s why Oficina da Net reinforces its commitment to help people stay alert in relation to scams and possible fraud spread over the internet. WhatsApp, Pix and fake emails scams are the most common. Stay tuned!

About the IEEE

IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Its members inspire a global community to innovate for a better future through its 420,000+ members in over 160 countries. Its publications, conferences, technology standards and professional activities are recommended by numerous experts. The IEEE is the trusted source for engineering, computing, and technology information worldwide.

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