Can Europe take care of itself?

2023-09-03 10:00:28

Energy, chips, medication: Independence has its price. Leading experts explain which in the new Pragmaticus

Schaan/Vienna (OTS) The corona crisis and the Ukraine war have shown that supply chain disruptions lead to bottlenecks and make economic dependency susceptible to blackmail. Should we go back to “made in Europe”? And can we even do that?

Europe is dependent on imports for 204 product groups – including high-tech devices and medicines. The recent crises make the risk of this dependency clear. The economists Lisandra Flach and Harald Oberhofer and Gabriel Felbermayr explain in the September issue of The Pragmatics how it could come to this and present proposed solutions. The political scientist Ralph Schoellhammer unmasks a culprit for the misery, and Andreas Treichl calls for more autonomy in military defence.

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Pragmaticus Verlag AG
Editor-in-Chief Andreas Schnauder

#Europe #care

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