Captain of the Titanic, Thoden of Rohan. Landed by actor Bernard Hill

At first, the British server BBC News reported with a reference to the actor’s agent. The family has not yet officially released the day.

Bernard Hill became famous for his role as Captain Edward Smith in Titanic, which won eleven Oscars. The native of Manchester thus embodied the king Thoden in two parts of the fantasy trilogy based on the books of the writer JRR Tolkien.

The last part called Mr. Ring: The Return of the King received 11 gold coins. The only other film to receive the same number of Academy Awards is Ben Hur from 1959.

Twenty years ago, the British actor presented himself as one of the foreign guests at the 39th Karlovy Vary IFF.

On television, Hill will appear in the second series of the British drama series Respondr, which will be broadcast on the BBC first on Sunday.

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