Car hit while overtaking: 22-year-old biker injured in Pettenbach

2023-09-29 19:37:00

Presumably due to an overtaking maneuver, an accident occurred on the B120 in Pettenbach (Kirchdorf district) shortly after 4:30 p.m. on Friday: a 22-year-old motorcyclist hit the car of an oncoming 72-year-old. Both are from the Wels-Land district. According to his statements, the 72-year-old was no longer able to avoid the collision with the overtaking motorcycle driver. He turned the steering wheel to the right and came to a stop in an adjacent field. The 22-year-old biker fell and slid across the road. He was injured to an unspecified degree and was taken care of by the crew of the Martin 3 emergency medical helicopter and flown to the Wels Clinic. The 72-year-old remained uninjured.


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#Car #hit #overtaking #22yearold #biker #injured #Pettenbach

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