Cardamom is said to be a “superfood” that promotes appetite and fat loss

2023-08-14 16:21:04

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A University of Texas study shed light on the health-promoting properties of cardamom seeds in mice. ” What we have shown is that this little spice can burn calories and maintain body weight while increasing appetite and food intake. », explains Dr. Luis Cisneros-Zevallos, director of this research published in International Journal of Molecular Science.

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The researchers gave mice a daily amount of cardamom that corresponds to about 620 grams daily for a human. Their results suggest that the spice promotes appetite, influences neural circuits involved in fatty tissue lipolysis, and activates oxidative metabolism of mitochondria in liver and skeletal muscle. Other studies have also highlighted the anti-inflammatory properties of cardamom. All the benefits of this superfood have yet to be confirmed in more rigorous studies.

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